True Life in God Messages

Notebook 39 True Life in God 381 meditation into contemplation; reach Me your God in silence; come to Me in contemplative adoration; see? pray the rosary now; (Jesus means while on dictation ...) I am listening together with My Mother; (I prayed the beginning of the Rosary up to the first Mystery. They are the Glorious Mysteries today.) I resurrected; shall we pray? I shall help you meditate, come; (After finishing the first mystery.) beware not to lose your concentration; come into the next mystery when I ascended to the Father; beloved, pray; amen ... enter now into My third mystery, when My Holy Spirit descended like tongues of Fire; pray for the coming Pentecost, already your generation feels the pangs of Its birth; the night is almost over, dawn is soon to break, and when it does, evil who prowled with ease in the night shall flee at daybreak; yes, indeed, My Spirit of Grace shall be poured out on all mankind, and your generation shall be fed directly by Me; you shall be taught and guided by Me and even My saints and My angels from above shall meet you at each street-corner; I will shower upon you My Bread; rejoice and be glad! I, the Lord, am the Light of the world; let those who have ears hear; take courage, dawn is soon with you; come, meditate; now comes the fourth mystery, My Beloved Mother’s Assumption; be blessed and meditate... blessed one, let us now enter into the fifth mystery where I, the Lord, crown My Mother and name Her Queen of Heaven; daughter, I desire you to contemplate upon this glorious mystery; come: every devotion given to My Mother pleases My Heart, come, write, I am near you; rejoice soul, take your pencil and copy all this;  December 6, 1989 My Lord, teach me, if it pleases You, to be patient, like Job was patient and clung on You. depend on Me, I shall teach you My own patience; My Lord, if it is Your wish, infuse in me courage, just like Your disciples. My flower, I shall remind you how I endured My Cross, disregarding the shamefulness of It; then you will not give up for want of courage; you are guided by My Spirit; My aim is to bring atheism to its end; ah My child! not many will listen to My Voice because your generation lacks humility; each time I approached My children through weak instruments, My own, many of My own, muffle down My Voice; daughter, their prudence becomes imprudence since they do not recognise the fruits of My Divine Works and refuse to believe, but as I have said before, they do not believe because they are no sheep of Mine; the sheep that belong to Me listen to My Voice, I know them and they know Me and follow Me; so in their case these prophecies are being fulfilled: “At the end of time, there are going to be people who sneer at religion and follow nothing but their own desires for wickedness; these unspiritual and selfish people are nothing but mischiefmakers;” 1 and “you are reputed to be 1Jude 1:18-19.