True Life in God Messages

378 True Life in God Notebook 38 that you, in your turn, go and inflame other hearts; come to Me, imperfect as you are and share My Great Love; your love should not be just words or mere talk, but something real and active; repay evil with good ... repay injustice with righteousness ... repay hatred with love ... forgive, forgive ... let love be always present in all your acts; children of My Sacred Heart, in these days, you are living in difficult times where My foe has stretched out his dominion like a veil; this is why I come to ask you to double your prayers; prayers of the heart that reach Me; come, repent ... confess your sins, My child; do not come unworthy to receive Me in this little white Host; come and drink Me, come and eat Me, and remember Whom you are receiving in this Sacred moment, you are receiving Me, you are receiving Life; be pure to receive Me; yearn for this Holy moment as never before, yearn to receive your God; even My angels from above look at you, yearning after this Meal, desiring to be one of you! let your heart be stirred by a noble theme, say to Me: “Jesus, I, the sinner, ask to be forgiven, I am not worthy of receiving You, yet I know that by just one word from You and I can be healed”; keep saying these words, they please Me, they make Me your God run to you, they fill My Sacred Heart with Compassion; call out to Me: “Kyrié eleisson! Christé eleisson! forgive me, the sinner!” humble yourselves and I shall raise you ... efface yourselves, and I shall lift you to Me and hide you in My Sacred Heart; I ask you from now on to: live in constant faith, love and holiness; let My request be your motto for this coming year; come, be one under My Holy Name as I and the Father are One and the Same; I, the Lord Jesus Christ, bless all of you, leaving My Sighs of Love upon your forehead;  Love loves you; (Message of Our Holy Mother) children of God, peace be with you; I, your Holy Mother, need your prayers to realise God’s Salvation Plan; I need prayers from the heart; let your prayers reach heaven, let them be as incense; fill your hearts with God’s Love and rejoice, for a Saviour was born for your salvation, a Saviour meek at heart who descended on earth to serve and to call the oppressed; “He has come to open the eyes of the blind, to free captives from prison and those who live in darkness from the dungeon”; 1 beloved children, it is the same Saviour who calls out to you today, it is the same Saviour who calls each one of you by his name: to return to Him; it is the same Jesus who reminds you of His teachings; it is the same Jesus whom I, as His Mother, held in My Arms, and had Him wrapped in swaddling clothes; born to serve, born to redeem you, and now it is the same Jesus always who calls out to you for your salvation; it is the same Saviour who reminds you that you all belong to Him; He was made visible in the flesh and He sacrificed Himself for you, My children, in order to set you free; come then and rejoice and be filled with happiness! come and proclaim the greatness of His Holy Name! come and be the joyful messengers carrying His Word; I love you and, believe Me, My Cape is large enough to hide you all inside it! 2 come to the Lord, do not fear 1 Is. 42:7. 2Our Holy Mother was smiling.