True Life in God Messages

376 True Life in God Notebook 38 My Vassula, are you happy now that I have liberated you? Glory be to the Lord, YES! then gratify Me by allowing Me to use you for My Glory; see? understand that I shall require from you sacrifices, sufferings, and great patience, but nothing shall go in vain; remember, I have formed you to become another little crucifix for My Glory; each little crucifix becomes a column of light, thus diminishing the darkness that surrounds you; treat Me now as a King and offer Me souls, I am thirsty for souls; I shall help you and Wisdom shall instruct you; keep near Me and remember My Presence; I, Jesus, bless you; love Me;  November 26, 1989 child, peace be with you; hear Me, be prudent, do not mention things that do not come from this revelation; use My Words from this revelation and from Scriptures; I am your Teacher, be prudent, rely on Me; your Saviour, I Am; your Holy One, I Am; I Am Who I Am, so why not rely on Me? you please Me when you smile at Me; I love childish faith; Vassula, courage, I shall overthrow all My enemies; courage, daughter, I know it is hard to live in exile and in the valley of death, but be assured of My love; I am by your side and I shall help you even in the tiniest of things; Love loves you;  November 27, 1989 Lord, be my Strength, I shall embrace Your Cross till the end. I thank You for all that You are giving me. have My Peace, Vassula of My Sacred Heart; fear not, the charisma I have given you shall remain with you until the day I come and fetch you; be happy that I am willing to feed you in this way! be happy that I am willing to leave this gift with you till the end! be happy that I have favoured you so highly! be happy, daughter, that I gave you life again! I bless you for this little faith you are giving Me; take My Cross, hug My Cross; My Cross is your Life; I, Jesus of Nazareth, bless you and all those who work on My Message diffusing It, I bless each one of them; come, we, us? Yes, Lord. we, us? Yes, Holy Mother. November 28, 1989 My Jesus? I am; Love is near you, take My Cross and rest Me, My child; Love is weary and needs rest; ah My child, do not abandon Me; I shall infuse in you learnings and discernment but I want your full abandonment daily, for how else would I then activate in you My Will? come, remember My Presence; Love blesses you; November 29, 1989 My heart is ready, my God, to receive You. I am listening, here I am.