True Life in God Messages

Notebook 38 True Life in God 375 ends of the world; pray, I am listening1 ...I shall help you: please Father reveal to me Your Love for in revealing Your Love, You are revealing me Your Holy Face, shine on me, let no one deceive me, be my Guide, my Master and my Educator, let me learn from Wisdom’s Lips; amen; see? just ask for My help and I shall not wait; come, you are still learning, but stay near Me, remember My Presence that I so much insist for each one of you to learn, My Presence is also a Mystery; do not neglect Me nor shall I neglect you ... I am still talking2 ... let Me be your Consoler; I, the Lord, shall guide you till the end, even though you do not realise fully what I am giving you as Graces; I, out of My Infinite Mercy, shall fill you with My Spirit without ceasing and pour into you My Words and My Law and raise you to Me; I, the Lord of lords, keep a close eye on you; have My Peace and My Love, I bless each one of you; be good;  November 23, 1989 My King, lead every soul to the Truth, that they may glorify You around one single Tabernacle, let those who hear and hear again, but not understand, understand this time, and those that see and see again, 1 I hesitated to find the words, so the Lord came to my rescue. 2 I had tried to interrupt and say something... but not perceive, perceive this time, entering into Your Mystery, soften their heart so that they may understand with their heart and not their mind and thus be converted and healed by You, praising You my King. Amen. My child, I shall raise even the dead; pray for these souls who have not understood My Will; be steadfast in My teachings, be firm in My Ways and discourage those who inflict wounds on My Body; treat your enemies, who are My enemies, kindly, but at the same time teach them firmly; I shall guide each step you take, My child; love Me with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind for in doing so, you shall see Me your God; daughter, come to Me, even for a few moments of the day, to meet Me as I have taught you, it pleases Me; dearest soul, give Me your love, have I not given you Mine? I am your Spouse who feeds you, who fills you, who consoles you, who defends you, who cares for you and who lifts your soul to Me; I am He who loves you most, dearest soul; I know, 3 but I have trained you and formed you for this mission, lean on Me when you are weary and I shall lift you; flower, all you do in My Name glorifies Me; eat from Me; I love you and I have created you to love Me, I have created you to rest Me, I have created you to share with me all that I have; pray to the Father to relent His Justice that lies heavily upon you; 4 relent His Anger by loving Him, by praying with your heart, by fasting, repenting and confessing your sins; enter into the world of Peace and Holiness; live holy, reflecting My Divinity; 3 I said something to Jesus. 4Our generation.