True Life in God Messages

374 True Life in God Notebook 38 November 15, 1989 (Just before I rest, 1 I asked Jesus to give me just one more word, but from the Scriptures. I opened at random after asking Him and Jesus said to me through Scripture:) “I still have many things to say to you but they would be too much for you now;” 2 (In saying this to me, I noticed a trace of Saintly Humour ...) November 16, 1989 Lord? I lift my eyes to You, I lift my soul to You, I long for You, my Saviour, Your Holy Presence is my delight, oh take my cause and defend me! My flower, Love is near you; in spite of seeing Me only with the eyes of your soul do not diminish your faith, smile at Me, it pleases Me; ah My child, come take up My yoke; My yoke is easy and My burden light; pray the way I have taught you, with your heart; it is essential to pray and ask My favours, this is My Law; enter every minute into My Sacred Heart, I long to console you, I long to rest you, allow My Mother to teach you; (Our Holy Mother) My Vassula, I am near you, be sure of this; console My Son by loving Him, console Jesus by speaking to Him and having Him as First; never leave Our Hands, never seek to look beyond His shoulders; keep pace with Us, adore Him and evangelise for Him with love; trust 1 I use the word ‘rest’ instead of ‘sleep’. I became allergic to the word ‘sleep’, because I was sleeping for years before Jesus came to wake me up. 2Jn. 16:12. Him, do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself; do not look to your left nor to your right, the Lord wants your full abandonment to make out of you a perfect being reflecting His Divine Image, this Divine Image your era has lost; Jesus and I do not ‘descend’ by means of Our Messages to judge you; We do not come to judge you nor do We come to condemn you; We come to you with great Love and Mercy to bring you all back to Us and make out of you all, divine beings; I bless you, I am with you; I bless You too, Holy Mother. Amen. November 20, 1989 ah Vassula! realise, realise what I have given you! come, I and you, you and I; have Me as First, daughter; all I ask from you is love; I, Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God and your Saviour, am on My way back to you, see? I am already on the Path of My Return; soon you shall start hearing My footsteps clearer and clearer, for I am approaching you all; I love you all;  be one; November 22, 1989 Please, Lord, speak to me through Scriptures. (I open the Bible at random and it reads: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you;”) 3 daughter, remind the world of My Presence; announce My Message to the 3Lk. 1:35.