True Life in God Messages

Notebook 38 True Life in God 373 between Me and her; I love her and always have; even in her disloyalty towards Me and even in her wickedness, I blessed her and blessed her; this shall be My Glorious Miracle; just wait and see; those who have fallen asleep in hatred, hating Me for no reason, those too I shall bring back to life since they are her sons too and still live in her womb; all these things shall soon take place; daughter, I am the Holy One, the Most High, I am the Most Holy Trinity, please Me and hear Me as you heard Me today; (God seemed satisfied.) “alleluia our Anointed One! delight the Lord and seek Him in purity of heart, seek Him in simplicity of heart; we are your angels who guard you without ceasing;” 1 “God loves you, and I, Daniel, am always with you; stay small for this is what pleases the Lord!” 2 ahh Daniel ... how can I avoid the meetings where people start to know the revelation and me, how can I stay ‘small’? You know how I dislike being exposed! “Vassula, ‘stay small’ means: remain humble and pleasing to the Lord; remember it is the Lord’s wish you assemble; 3 have no fear; His Message should be known, the world ought to come and meet the King of Peace; your generation should recognise God and be converted; give thanks to God for His Merciful Works; I, Daniel , pray without ceasing for you; God wants you to be good, reveal His Love to all mankind without fear; the Most High blesses you and all those who commit themselves in 1This came from angels’ voices. 2Daniel, my guardian angel. 3The monthly prayer meetings. this Message to announce It to the nations;” Love loves you all;  November 14, 1989 My Lord? I want a bigger faith, I need it. My Vassula, never demand, ask; realise My Infinite Mercy and Love, so say these words: “my Saviour, augment my love, augment my faith, augment my hope, let all this be done according to Your Divine Will; amen” do not be in a hurry, you seem to be always in a hurry, why? 4 I am listening, but you seem to think that I shall leave and so you hurry, why? do not rush; I hear you as much as when I am with you in this special way; reduce your speed and meditate on each word of prayer; why the rush? I am your Educator and you My pupil; I have taught you to discern, I am your Teacher who formed you; I will now and then remind you when you tend to forget My precepts and shall continue to pour in you abundant revelations; come, let us work;  4 I sometimes get tempted to hurry up my prayers so as to come quickly to the notebooks and be with Jesus in ‘writing’.