True Life in God Messages

372 True Life in God Notebook 38 from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children; 1 be in peace, My child; My Cross of Peace and Love cries out to the world for conversion, for love, for peace and for unity; My Works are to bring to divinity again this human race; My Works come from My Mercy; enter into My Sacred Heart and rest, My Vassula; freedom is to love God; I freed you; Glory be to God! Praised be our Lord! I, Jesus of Nazareth, am beside you; today I shall come to you by My “visiting statue”; 2 I never fail the graces you ask from Me; be blessed, I will help you; pray, for this is talking to Me and I then am listening to you; I am with you too, My little angel; 3 we, us? Forever and ever. November 13, 1989 peace be with you, My child; evangelise with love for Love; ecclesia shall revive, because I the Lord shall overthrow all the impostors who have placed themselves in high seats within Her; daughter, remove these thorns that pierce My Head, thorns that cause so much bleeding; do not fear them, daughter, for I am beside you; and I tell you truly that with My Power and My Great Mercy I shall overthrow each one of these; you see, My child, all Heaven was too long in mourning for your Sister-SoUnloved; for years We are swallowing 1Mt. 11:25. 2 A pilgrim statue of the Sacred Heart. A statue that stays nine days in each house. 3This was our Holy Mother. Our bitter Tears ... “O Russia! mere creature of flesh! evil coiled in your very womb, creature of mere dust and ashes, I, the Most High, shall resurrect you, for I am the Resurrection; I shall nurse you back to Life and I shall, with My Finger upon you, transfigure you into a glorious nation as I was transfigured; you shall be majestically dressed in dazzling white robes and all Heaven shall thrust away Its mourning garments and Heaven’s bitter Tears shall turn into joyful tears; all Heaven will celebrate your Resurrection and all the martyr-saints who prayed without ceasing by the Feet of your Holy Mother for Her intercession, shall in this day too, together with My Mother and Her innumerable holy angels, all descend in your children’s homes and make their home together with them; I then shall feed them My Body and offer them My Blood to drink;” Russia shall eat Me and drink Me with great love, praising Me; My Russia shall be the living example of your times and for generations to come, because of her Great Conversion; your Sister-SoUnloved by many, shall renounce all her evil behaviour and shall call Me her God with all her might; Vassula, can you hear? listen ... listen to your Sister’s children’s laments; 4 her children are lamenting and there is wailing; it is My Russia’s children who are weeping; all Heaven plainly hears their grieving; Heaven is deeply moved by their distress and I, who have never ceased loving her, now am near her dead body, My Hand upon her cold heart; and her bones will flower again from her tomb and her name shall be well spoken of for I shall adorn her and her sons and daughters; hence a covenant of Peace and Love shall be signed and sealed 4 Here I started to weep not only for Russia’s children who suffer, but also because God sounded so sad, beyond description.