True Life in God Messages

370 True Life in God Notebook 38 My Lord, do let me understand why there are spelling mistakes? Vassula, these are your own, not Mine; I have chosen you because you are imperfect and with many weaknesses; I, God, choose My instruments weak because My Power is at its best in weakness; Yet, You do now and then give me new words unknown to me. I do, when the need comes; I have you under dictation and it is wrong to believe that this is My handwriting; Why, then, the difference of writing, Lord? I like it this way; I use My instruments as they are with all their imperfections and all their weaknesses to dictate to them My Knowledge and to feed them and others My Word; I know how many of them take My Words, which many a time are symbolic, to the word, but this again is reflecting their weakness, their obedience and their child-like-faith to Me and their desire to please Me; happy the man who stands firm when trials come; 1 come, My child, allow Me to use you as I please; all your sacrifices will not be in vain; be one with Me, Love loves you; November 8, 1989 My Vassula, lean on Me; please Me and renew your vow of fidelity; I renew my vow of fidelity to You, my Saviour and Lord. Help me keep it. Help me be faithful to You. Lord, You have done great things to me. 1Jm. 1:12. You have lifted my soul to You and You allow me to live under Your Light. You have covered my nakedness with Your Majestic Gifts. You have renewed me. You have risen me as You have risen Lazarus. You freed me and I love You and adore You. beloved of My Heart, lean on Me; I and you, you and I; together we shall share My Cross of Peace and Love; ah Vassula, you are My own now, freed and alive! listen and write: My Vineyards I shall spread even more now, since this generation is so unspiritual, unable to tell their right hand from their left; since they are veiled and living in darkness, I am coming in this way to visit you all; I am returning soon and no man can stop Me; even when those who abide under the beast’s power are sent as a holocaust to trample on My Vineyards, I shall with My Power keep expanding these Vineyards even more; this is a Holy Battle between the Holy Ones and the fallen angels from the Pit; besides, the earth feels the weight of this Battle, no one shall stop Me from feeding My lambs; I am not just words; I, the Lord, am Power; I do not come to your generation with menaces, I come to ask for your conversion; I come to shine upon you; I descend to you, all Merciful, and with Great Love I come to take you back to Me; I, the Lord, am a God of Love and Mercy; do not be slow in understanding that it is I, the Lord, who shall transform your arid lands into vineyards; only a little while now, a very little while, and the One you are waiting to come will have come; I will not delay, My Hour is prominent; I have given you My Promise not long ago of My Return and I tell you all most solemnly, that I