True Life in God Messages

Notebook 38 True Life in God 369 how to adore You around a Unique Tabernacle. My flower, everything shall be fulfilled in its own time; in the meantime, be pleasing in My Father’s Eyes, let your ornaments and your beauty be interior, for I look and search scrupulously in each heart; so rejoice Me and be agreeable in My Eyes by ornamenting and embellishing your soul; draw from Me, all that I have is Precious and Life in Itself; draw from My Treasury, I give freely; be thirsty for My Riches and draw from My Heart and fill up yours; My Vassula, keep doing all the things that you learnt from My Wisdom and have been taught with My Gentle Mastery and have heard from the Voice of the Truth; be in Peace, remember My Presence; Yes, my Lord. I bless You. I bless you and each step you take;  Lord? I am; Vassula, plead for faith, remember I can give you faith in its fullness, I do not even know how to properly ask You for a stronger faith, Lord! even if you do not know, try; My Mercy is Great, flower, be confident ... rejoice Me, My flower, and extinguish a few more fires from the souls who are in purgatory; love extinguishes their purifying fires, remember always this; learn that I use the essence of your love to Me to extinguish their fires and remove them upwards; some can even come to Me finally; I, the Lord, have given you My Word, This is your spiritual Food; slow down and hear Me; 1 even in your absolute weakness I will be able to give you all My Messages, in spite of your nothingness and your inability to do whatsoever, I, the Lord, shall accomplish My Work; stay small, My child, remain faithful to Me; I, the Lord, love you with all My Heart; glorify Me and honour Me; receive Me for it pleases Me; allow Me to use you; pray always with your heart; come, we, us? Yes, my Lord and my Mother.  November 6, 1989 daughter, peace be with you; every soul who loves Me is repairing for her past sins; the love and the repentance I receive from these souls console My Wounded Heart and appease My Father’s Justice and relent Him; relent Him, for He sees your efforts and indeed takes in consideration all your good intentions; you are not many, but even for those very few ones, My Father’s Hand is relenting; have faith, pray and believe in what you ask; have hope in Me; I have Resurrected and your salvation comes from Me; desire Me always, I bless you; November 7, 1989 My Jesus? I am; peace be with you; receive Me in the way I have taught you; flower, love Me, absorb Me, receive Me and be My reflection, My dove; 1 Jesus means not to let my hand ‘run’ before I hear His words.