True Life in God Messages

Notebook 37 True Life in God 367 souls; remain small and ask My advice always before taking any decision, help will always be given to you from above; (Later:) My Vassula, draw three iron bars with a head on the top these represent the Roman Catholics, the Orthodox and the Protestants; I want them to bend and unite but these iron bars are still very stiff and cannot bend on their own, so I shall have to come to them with My Fire and with the power of My Flame upon them they shall turn soft to bend and mould into one solid iron bar, and My Glory will fill the whole earth;  pray often to the Holy Spirit this prayer: come Holy Spirit, come through the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Beloved Bride; amen; 1 with this prayer My Holy Spirit will haste and come upon you; pray for the effusion of My Holy Spirit to come upon you; October 30, 1989 flower, My Love offers you Its Gift: My Passion; My Passion; go through it and please the Father as I have pleased Him; I love you passionately and this is My Way of showing My Love to souls; allow 1Prayer shown to me. Me to be your guide, guiding you in the Path of My Passion; I teach souls to endure It without complaints and to each one I give according to her capacity; Vassula, learn: to reach perfection there is one road: the Road of My Passion and that is, My Cross; endure It with love, endure It with patience, embrace My Cross; My child, all will soon be finished and near Me you shall be; adore Me, adore Me, I bless you; (Later:) Lord, save us in Your love, let Your Holy Face smile on those who love You. Our Protector, come to Your Abels. We need You. come, My child, remain near Me, espoused to Me; understand what I have offered you, I have offered you My Heart and My Love; espoused to Me, I offer you all that I have; I offer you My Cup now and then; I offer you My Bread to keep you alive and I offer you My Fragrance to remind you of My constant Presence; daughter, I and you shall remain bonded together for eternity; come; October 31, 1989 beloved, peace be with you; hear Me: I teach with love; I have taught you with Wisdom, I have elevated you and formed you; remain in My favour and My discipline; all will come from Me, stay unshaken to My Teachings; My Vassula, appease My Father’s wrath by pleasing Him, repaying evil with love; appease His Anger on this evil generation with your love; reveal Me in you so that you evangelise with love for Love; God-is-with-you, My child; you have been commissioned to evangelise; I