True Life in God Messages

Notebook 37 True Life in God 365 Lord! how I love You, how I desire You, how I thirst for You, how I need You! free at last! 1 (Here I squealed with joy!) October 17, 1989 (Greece – Rhodos) My Lord? I am; remember who leads you; synchronise with Me; ask always with your heart and it shall be given to you; prayers coming out of your heart are like sweet melody in My Ears;  October 22, 1989 (Somehow in the single week I was in Rhodos, people following this revelation arranged two prayer meetings with the local Catholic and Orthodox priests. Let us say, Saint Francis and Padre Pio together with Saint Basil led by our Mother of Perpetual Help arranged those unexpected meetings. One was held in the Saint Francis Church and the other in the Greek Orthodox Church of Annalypsis.) Dad? I've done the shouting as You’ve asked me to do in the message of September 30. I’ve shouted out the Truth. look My child, bewilder not, for I am the Highest and from above My Word descends to you; I come to revive My Church; remember always this: no power or height or depth can ever destroy My Church; My Church shall be 1Jesus said this with great joy! restored by Me again; My Vassula, you are nothing, nothing at all and yet I can use you; by eclipsing what is “you” My Spirit can speak and act in you; My Spirit in you should not meet any rival; have no fear, even when My Spirit meets with a rival, I always make sure to extirpate this rival; abandon yourself to Me every day, be willing to do My Will and leave the rest to Me, your God; October 23, 1989 Lord? I am; never doubt; how I love you! this little faith you give Me is like a bunch of flowers offered to Me daily by you; I receive it in this way, 2 My little one, refuse Me nothing; be slow to anger just like Me your God; be quick only to do good, be faithful to Me; beloved of My Soul, you who willed to offer Me your will, your soul and your heart, fear not for you are in your Father’s Hands and what more wonderful than being linked together? refuse Me nothing, efface yourself entirely so that I may be seen completely, stay small so that My Power occupies every part of you; die to your “self” daily and be nothing so that I may be everything; believe in Me with a child-like-faith so that I may glory in this way and use you when I please; all I ask from you is love, love, love; all that you do in My Name with love, glorifies Me and purifies you; evangelise with love for Love; enter into My Sacred Heart daily and allow Me to rest in yours; be in Peace for I am Peace; I promise you that I shall offer you daily My Bread; I, Jesus, love you and count 2 Jesus means when I come daily to Him and let Him use my hand.