True Life in God Messages

364 True Life in God Notebook 37 then remove it from My Hand to strike My Head with it, then they go down on their knees to do Me homage so that people outside the Church should speak well of them; those sacrileges are recrucifying Me every single day, they are dragging Me to Calvary repeatedly, they hate Me for no reason, ah My children ... these people have turned My Eyes and the Eyes of My Mother into an eternal waterspring; listen to My Cry from My Cross for innumerable multitudes are constantly falling into the eternal fires; listen to the Spirit that brings life; your nations have grown coarse at heart and have forsaken the fountain of Knowledge; turn your eyes to Me! lift your heads to Me! come and absorb My Light, allow Me to remove your shroud enwrapping your nation; I am the Guardian of your soul and of your heart who implores you for a return of love; a love without self-interest, die to your own-self and allow your heart to be directed by the Spirit and the Spirit will lead you to the Truth, acknowledging Me; listen to My Voice, the Voice of My Spirit; augment your prayers and live holy, be holy for I am Holy; if My House lies in ruin today with atheism reigning in so many hearts1 it is because your generation refuses Me a place in their heart; I come to find no love, no faith and no hope; My House lies in ruin; reduced into rubble by Rationalism, Disobedience and Vanity; My glorious pastures of the past are now barren, because of the Great Apostasy which penetrated into My sanctuary; Obedience is missing; I have given My shepherd’s staff entirely to Peter to guide My lambs until My Return, but in their wickedness and for their own selfinterests and not Mine they have broken My shepherd’s staff in two, then in 1Jesus in saying this was extremely sad. splinters ... the Brotherhood was broken, Fidelity shattered, and dead by the Fountains of Love, Peace and Unity, Fountains that once were, lie in heaps My Flock; all I ask from these shepherds who turn their back to Peter is to bend their neck and acknowledge their Error; I want them to reach the place of rest I have for them; I do not want them to fall like stars, one after the other; if only they would listen to what the Spirit says to them today; I shall not remind them of their apostasy nor the Wounds I am receiving from them; pray for these priests, My love for them is Great but so are the sorrows they are giving Me today; pray that they may bend and wash each other’s feet with humility and love; I, your Lord Jesus Christ, is heaving My Sighs of Love upon your forehead and with Great Love I bless each one of you to unite and be one as the Holy Trinity is One and the Same; you, too, be one under My Holy Name;  October 12, 1989 Lord, I thank You for saving me. I love You and I adore You and You only, my God. ah, let Me hear this often, let your heart speak to Me; come and meditate on Me, meditate on He who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, come to contemplative adoration, for this is what pleases Me; I and you, you and I, face to face in total silence; I, revealing My Beauty to you, and you, praising Me; learn that My Heart languishes after every soul; I have now taken you back to Me, but how many more souls will I have to bring back! come and rest in My Heart and allow Me to rest in yours, Love loves you;