True Life in God Messages

Notebook 37 True Life in God 363 beloved, stay small so that you may easily creep into My Sacred Heart; Love loves you; listen and write: peace be with you all; I am Peace, I am Love; I come to your nation out of My Boundless Mercy to stretch My Vineyard in your land too so that Its Fields yield enough fruit to feed your dying nation; My Divine Works are spreading all over this earth and all are good since They supply every want in due time; listen to My Voice, devout children, and blossom like the flowers blossom when spring comes, blossom with My Rays of Pure Light shed upon you; I am filling your nation’s darkness with blessings; I want to heal your poor soul, I want to rest your weary soul; so thrust yourselves into My open Arms; I am your Saviour who calls you to return to Me; you see My children, the spirit of lethargy has veiled many nations leaving many of them in deep sleep and I, from above, watch all this with agony and with pain; today I, the Lord, am in search of your heart since what I need is love, a return of love ... come, come to Me with simplicity of heart, as a child approaching his father with confidence; come to Me too, showing Me your weakness and telling Me your problems, let your Father in Heaven hear you ... I am Love, the Sublime Source of Love, who thirsts for a return of Love; do not refuse My plea; refuse the temptations surrounding you, My child; refuse to give Satan a foothold; if you only knew how near you I Am and how eager I am to lift your soul to Me and wean you to real Food! try and understand Me, try and perceive My Will; do not be here only to satisfy your curiosity, be here to learn; widen the space of your heart only for Me, to allow Me to make My Home in you; do not suffocate My Spirit in you with immorality, rationalism, egoism and other sins; do not suffocate Me, leave My Spirit to breathe in you and lift your eyes to Heaven and pray in silence as I have been praying to My Father; pray with your heart ... and He will hear you; pray with love ... and He will not refuse you; pray with Faith … and He will not deny your plea; all that you do, do it with love for Love; and I will not remain silent or unmoved or unresponsive to your plea for I am full of Mercy and full of Tenderness; I am the Good Shepherd, who seeks among the rubble My lambs and My sheep; I come to seek you with My Heart in My Hand to offer It to you; I come to seek you in your poverty to remind you again that you are not fatherless and that you all belong to Me; I come to remind you that in My Father’s House there is a room for you, My child1 .... a room which belongs to you ... My Soul is yearning for you ... My Soul is in unspeakable distress when every time a room is left void for eternity ... I, the Lord, bring to you Heaven in My Hands2as a gift for you, to offer It to you, but My enemy wants to prevent you from receiving It; so many times he is using poor souls to reduce My Voice into silence, rebuking the Graces of My Holy Spirit and thus injuring My Body beyond recognition; hiding behind a Cloud of Darkness, these souls become Masters of Evil and Vanity, refusing to grasp My Ways; these people weigh heavily in My Heart; fearlessly they come to Me void and empty handed; they make fun of the Promise; they are once again placing in My right Hand a reed, jeering at Me, 1Jesus said this very moved. 2 I saw in an interior vision Jesus holding in His Hands a most sparkling and luminous globe, reminding me of the luminosity of St Michael the Archangel.