True Life in God Messages

Notebook 37 True Life in God 361 Light; I come to warn you and wake you up from your deep sleep; I do not come with wrath, I come with Love, Peace and Mercy to unveil the shroud of death enwrapping your nations; I come to remind you that I am Holy and holy you should be living; I come to remind you and teach you how to pray; I have given you everything to raise your soul to Me and share My Kingdom; I am coming to you as a Beggar, pleading you; I am coming to you as Wisdom, teaching you all over again the knowledge of Holiness; ever so ardently I offer you My Heart, ever so humbly I offer you Myself every single day as your daily Bread; I give you Food to eat to your heart’s content, eating your fill; so come to Me, return to Me and praise Me your God; I bless you all, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; Love loves you all; be one;  October 5, 1989 My Jesus? I am; peace, My child; together we shall work; have My Word, 1 then write it; (I open at Jn. 10:14-16.) write: “I am the Good Shepherd, I know My own and My own know Me, just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father, and I lay down My Life for My sheep; and there are other sheep I have that are not of this Fold, and these I have to lead as well; they too will listen to My Voice and there will be only one Flock and one Shepherd”; at this the earth will grow radiant; I will spread Integrity and 1Jesus means through scriptures. Peace and the earth shall grow once as before with fresh things; (I got up and kissed Jesus on His right cheek. I did this on the Sacred Heart Statue in front of me. With my heart, I saw Jesus sitting near me and just after I kissed Him, He lifted His Hand to touch His Cheek just where I kissed Him, looking like a Happy Child. – Jesus asked me to write down this episode.) My beloved, it is to show you how I feel everything; come, My child, let us be together, let us be inseparable; October 7, 1989 (Torino (Turin) – Dame du Rosaire) peace be with you; say after Me this: “Jesus, I love you; Jesus, forgive my sins; Jesus, relieve me from my doubts; Jesus, do not allow the evil one to approach me;” (Our Holy Mother.) flower, by loving Jesus His Wounds are soothed; Love loves you; October 8, 1989 (Torino (Turin) – Sunday) (I visited the Basilica of the Holy Shroud. After having prayed and talked to Jesus, we went out and I felt an immense joy in me. I praised the Lord for showing me His Great Love, a love I never knew all those past years. Just then I was covered by a strong incense fragrance. My joy doubled, for His Sign. We walked to San Domenico Church, where two years ago my cousin saw an apparition of our Holy Mother, above the church’s side door, to call us in, since it was the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and we