True Life in God Messages

Notebook 37 True Life in God 357 in Your love, I will be glad to sacrifice more. then open your ears and hear My wedding song; I know what you are made of: dust and ashes; come out of your gloom by lifting your head, look at Me ... I am He who has risen you, and He who keeps your soul tranquil and quiet; enveloped in My Arms I guard your soul; I have given you everything so that I raise your soul to Me; I have shown My Infinite Mercy and I have favoured you, giving you to drink from My Cup, have I not? seek to please Me, daughter; seek My Ways, My Ways are Holy, so beware of complaining about nothing; I have always been near you, guiding you; come always to Me in simplicity of heart, My Vassula, for your days on earth are but the passing of a shadow, a superficial passage that will fade away; nothing on earth lasts forever; keep then My precepts and follow My Commandments; I have entrusted you with My most Precious Jewel; guard It, embrace It and hold fast onto It; My Cross of Peace and Love shall be the sweet torment of your soul; your eagerness in sharing My Cross should be an ardent flame in you as it is in Me, your thirst for My Cross should grow like Mine; by now you must have realised how I show My Love; yes, by allowing you to suffer; soul! I have turned your aridity into a flowing spring, your hostility towards Me into tenderness, your apathy into fervour for My Cross, your lethargy into nostalgia for your Home and your Father; rejoice soul! your King has unwrapped the shroud covering your body and has risen you as He has risen Lazarus: to possess you; Oh Jesus! You are not very discerning in selecting! My choice is Mine; I want you to inherit and share My Kingdom in Heaven with Me; every Work I do is for My Glory; look! you are free now, My dove; I am your Master and to Me you will always come and in My Sacred Heart you will always rest; My Sacred Heart is your cote and your refuge, see? I have trained you to recognise Who your Master is and what He requires of you; your Master and your King requires love from you now; come, return My Love; like a mirror, reflect My Love; I have created you out of Love to love Me; never ever forget this;  September 29, 1989 Alleluia! The Lord bends down to listen to me every time I call, My gaze is fixed upon You my Lord, I meditate on You without ceasing, You are my Food, my Bread and my Wine, I need nothing more in this hostile world, my soul is thirsting for You, my lips are parched for You, You are my God who sought me and found me in my wretchedness, allow me to abide in Your Sacred Heart. rejection you will never have from Me; every time you come to receive Me, My Sacred Heart rebounds with joy; I have made Myself ever so tiny in the little white Host; in taking Me you are accepting Me, and in accepting Me in this way, you are acknowledging The Truth; I and you are then one, you are in Communion with Me, what more delightful to be together with Me, your God? what more pure and holy meeting? I, your God, meeting you, My creature; I, your Redeemer, and you, My redeemed one; I, Jesus, love you to folly; how could some of you doubt of My Love, defiling