True Life in God Messages

354 True Life in God Notebook 36 when there is no Peace; return to Peter, all you who have strayed away in a different direction; serve Me, why serve Unholiness? be Mine, not the Rebel’s, why are you so willing to serve the Rebel? even foreigners, even these have listened to My Voice and have understood My Words; My Principles are Holy and I tell you most solemnly that Holy They shall remain forever and ever; daughter, read My Word; (The Lord indicated to me where. Again in Mt. 5:18-19.) read and write: “I tell you solemnly, till heaven and earth disappear, not one dot, not one little stroke, shall disappear from the Law until its purpose is achieved; therefore the man who infringes even one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven; but the man who keeps them and teaches them will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven;” child, rest now; delight My Soul with your child-like faith; come, rest in Me; I, the Lord, bless you, love Me; Praised be our Lord! September 22, 1989 (Our Holy Mother’s Message.) beloved daughter, Abba loves you all; Praised be the Lord. tell My children this: peace be with you; My sons and daughters, allow yourselves to open so that Jesus enters into your heart and heals you; My Message today shall remind you who is Jesus; Jesus is the Source of Sublime Love, the Light of the world; to save you He endured the Cross, disregarding the shamefulness of it; He is meek and humble; come and acknowledge Him as your God, for acknowledging Him is the perfect virtue; feel Him, feel His Holy Presence, learn how to count Him among you, learn to say “we, us”; do not forget Him in between your prayers, have Him constantly in your heart, have Him locked in your heart; do not take Our Messages as threats, Our Messages are Messages of Love and Peace, coming out of God’s Infinite Mercy; delight God by reflecting before opening your lips to utter whatsoever; do not allow your lips to condemn you; all that you utter let it prove that you are God’s children with a spirit of holiness, submission and purity; be zealous to serve the cause of right; today I shall ask you this question, you who hear Me: “do you love your neighbour as yourself?” I want to remind you that even in your weakness you can achieve perfection if you allow yourselves to be guided by the Lord; abandon yourselves to Him daily, offer Him your will without fear; He knows your capacity and will never ask from you anything that can harm you; elevate your souls by praying, grow in holiness, grow in the Love God is offering you so abundantly; never listen to the Rebel; leave no empty space in your heart for the demon to be allowed to tempt you; abide only in Faith, Hope and Love; let these be your fruit filling your heart; God-is-amongyou to provide your soul all that it lacks; the Vineyards of the Lord shall multiply and They shall yield enough fruit to feed thousands; the Creator is preparing you to enter into the New Era of Love; see your Creator as your Holy Companion, your