True Life in God Messages

Notebook 36 True Life in God 353 and from Them emanate a vivid Light. I adore, I hope, I believe and I love You, please forgive those who do not adore, do not hope, do not believe nor love You. Look after us, Immanuel. I bless You, I bless You, You who are my Counsellor during the nights, filling me with ceaseless prayers, praying over me. I know that You will not abandon my soul, since You are revealing Your Path of Life to us, our hand in Your Hand. Save us in Your Love; You are the Source of our hope to see the New Heavens and the New Earth, Lord. I am the Root of The Tree of Life and from Me emanates Everlasting Life; flower, read the Scriptures; (Jesus means that I open at random the Holy Bible and I shall come upon what He desires me to read. I open on Is. 40:9.) read it and write it: “go up on a high mountain, joyful messenger to Zion; shout with a loud voice, joyful messenger to Jerusalem; shout without fear, say to the towns of Judah, ‘Here is your God!’” your New Jerusalem is at hand... I, God, am descending in this era, stumbling on corpses; all that I had been dreading has come true; I descend to find no faith, no hope, no love; and My lambs that I left to graze in My green Pastures, I find starved and lamentable to look at; living among the rubble they seek for some shelter and some food, but find none; with hope they lift stone after stone looking for a crumb, or perhaps a seed they could sow, but instead of a crumb or a seed they find scorpions ready to sting and fill them with their venom; My lambs err from town to town to only find the remains of what was once a Great City; yes, I am speaking of Jerusalem, but only a few are ready to hear Me; I call each one of My shepherds by their name, but very few hear My Voice ... I stifle, I suffocate to see them filled with dead words; hear Me, I have, daughter, called you to serve the cause of right, I have taken you by the hand and formed you to witness, I have shown you the Truth and I have unveiled your eyes to see whom I had chosen to sit in Peter’s Chair, and to whom I once said: “you are Peter and on this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it; I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loosed in heaven;” 1 I had given this man this Authority, and today you are trying to overthrow him and steal his shepherd’s staff so that you rule with the sceptre of Falsehood and Vice; Peter ? Peter - of-My-Lambs, My beloved shepherd, I know how your heart lacerates and bleeds in rivers for this ungrateful and unfaithful generation; I know how they have turned your eyes into a spring of tears; I know how many of your brothers have turned their backs to you; these are, My beloved, those shepherds who know nothing, feel nothing, they all go their own way, each after his own interest, serving Folly instead of Wisdom, Lust instead of Poverty, Disobedience instead of Obedience; I gaze from My Cross on all who inhabit the world, and I am telling you who people many nations, that soon the Hour is with you, the time is almost up, and the days will not last long before you pass your nights weeping, you unfaithful shepherds, shepherds who sin against Me by faithlessness, you who cry Peace! 1Mt. 16:18-19.