True Life in God Messages

352 True Life in God Notebook 36 see Me as your Redeemer; I rescue all those who cling to Me, I answer everyone who invokes Me; compassionately I look upon you all for I know how frail you are and how easily you are tempted by The Tempter; I have redeemed you all for the sake of My Infinite Love, this Love so misunderstood ... I am Love and anyone living in Me lives in the Truth; I am the Root of the Tree of Life and the Source of Life; I have got with Me both the Fruit of The Tree of Life and The Living Water from My Everlasting Wells; come then to Me, come and have your fill; come and eat; come and drink from My Living Water, all you who thirst; I shall never deny you; I, God, shall wean you to real Food, Food that will last in you, so that your povertystricken soul may be able to live; your lands have turned into wastelands and the scorching winds have dried up your throats, but I, who am your Saviour, see from above all these iniquities, so do not say: “the Lord has forgotten us”, I am The-All-Faithful and My elated Love I have for you is saving you; I have never turned away My Holy Face from you; one agio omga elneah rima, rima, pgara nedro ha unu Amen rima; 1 write, I shall spread Peace and Love in the lands of your dead; I mean to spread My Peace and My Love all around and in all the nations Without-Love; I mean to overthrow all Injustice, and this dead era will be resurrected and shall follow Me into the New Earth I am preparing for her and under New Heavens she will glorify Me and praise Me all day and all night long; have you not yet understood how My Holy Spirit of Grace is preparing you, Vineyard after Vineyard, spreading Them gently and with so much love in every nation? 1 I suddenly had a language unknown to me and I suppose humanity. have you still not understood how your Holy Mother and I are stretching out Our Arms over you covering you with Our Blessings, and preparing you Vineyards, Vineyards which We shall keep multiplying, Vineyards which will produce enough fruit to feed a multitude? My Spirit of Grace is like a Vine putting out graceful shoots, My blossoms bear the fruit of Love and Peace; approach Me, you who desire Me and take your fill of My fruits, for memories of Me are sweeter than honey; inheriting Me is sweeter than the honeycomb; they who eat Me will hunger for more, they who drink Me will thirst for more; whoever listens to Me will never have to blush, whoever acts as I dictate will never sin; 2 have I not said that in the days to come, I will put out shoots that will bud and blossom and fill the whole world with fruit? this fruit will increase by My Light and Heaven will pour upon you Its Dew to refresh your dry throats; I am bestowing all these blessings on My People; feel loved by Me, My little ones, Love loves you and blesses each one of you leaving My Sigh of Love upon your foreheads;  be one; (Later:) 3My Lord, You who are the Root of the Tree of Life and Love in Itself and that from Your Fruit, You are giving us an Everlasting Life, be blessed. Your leaves that never wither or dry are made out of pure white Gold 2Si. 24:17-22. 3 Interior vision of The Tree of Life.