True Life in God Messages

Notebook 36 True Life in God 351 .... are you willing to sacrifice more for Me? I am willing, even if the flesh is weak. I had asked You, my Lord, to drag me if You must. Please do it. ah Vassula, I want you to do things willingly; I love you; Lord, I am willing. allow Me, then ... stop resisting Me, abandon yourself to Me and have no fear; peace, My child, the demon hates you and is persisting his attacks on you; do not release your grip from Me, hold on to Me; September 15, 1989 (I then went to bed to rest, it was after eleven. I prayed and prayed and before this horrible word, “sleep”, overcame me, I managed to say several KYRIÉ-ELEISSON, CHRISTÉ-ELEISSON, when suddenly a loud Voice inside me that made me startle and jump said: “I WILL HELP YOU!” Several times in the night The Voice inside me was in constant prayer for me. Sometimes I repeated some of The Voice’s prayer-words, although I was not understanding them.) (Next morning:) Vassula, I want more from you; are you willing to give Me more? Jesus, take everything You like from me. even your life? My life is Yours. flower, I shall make you suffer out of Love; remember, sanctification proceeds from suffering; allow Me now to read to you a part from Scriptures; 1 remain faithful to Me, remember, I am The All Faithful, so have confidence in Me, do not resist Me, abandon entirely yourself to Me, I know what is best for your soul; I am Love;  September 20, 1989 My Lord and Saviour? I am; My Peace I give you; My Vassula, hear Me and write; I am happy to have you near Me; I, the Lord, bless you; are you ready? come to me as a child approaching his father; beloved ones, see Me your God as the Most Compassionate Holy Companion, Who sits enthroned in Glory up in the Heavens, yet at the same time, in My Divinity, I bend all the way down to you on earth to allow you all to feel Me, hear Me, understand Me and thus get to know Me, your Lord; yes, I bend from My Throne all the way to you to lift your soul to Me and enliven you in My Light; see Me, beloved ones, as your Spouse, who will provide for you with great abundance all what you lack; I will remove your mourning veil and the shroud enwrapping your nations; I will wipe away your tears from your cheeks, consoling you; I love you all with an everlasting love and out of Great Pity I will restore you; I, your Spouse, will share all that I have with you; I have here with Me, to adorn you, if you wish, My most Precious Jewels, My Cross, My Nails and My Thorned Crown; I am ready to share with you, are you willing and ready to share with Me My Cross of Peace, Love and Justice? 1Heb. 3:1-6.