True Life in God Messages

Notebook 36 True Life in God 349 we all know, but what do You say, my Lord? the Holy Bible is indeed The Truth, the True Revelation, but I have not ceased to exist; look, I am The Word and I am active in Spirit; My Advocate is with you all, the Spirit of Truth that many tend to forget or ignore, for all that the Spirit tells you is taken from what is Mine; He is the Reminder of My Word, the Inspiration of your mind; this is why, My child, I am continually recalling you the same Truths; understand the reasons why I constantly am stirring you up with The Reminder; accept My Holy Spirit of Truth; I come to remind you of My Word, I come to call you to repent before My Day comes; child, evangelise with love for Love, beside you I am, never fear; ecclesia will revive, since Love is the Root of the Tree of Life and is among you; I shall feed this dying generation with the Fruit of My Tree, placing It directly into their mouths; allow Me to use you as My tablet; eat from Me; come, we, us? yes, I am together with your Mother; I love you, aghapa-mé; 1pray; Vassula, please Me and come often to Me in between your daily work; (I often leave whatever I am doing at home to come and be with Our Lord even for two minutes, the nostalgia for God is such ...) delight Me and show Me that you are linked to Me; remember the ransom that I paid for you, so come to Me anytime and talk to Me; stay small; understand how I, out of Love, will call every soul to Me; I want you to understand that the heart of your wise is in the house of mourning; they tend to forget, in their so-called great stature, My Power and My Divinity; their corruptibility blinds them, leaving in 1Love Me in Greek. them an open space for Satan to speak to them, for they have shut their heart to Love; their mind and their heart are closer to the rational world than My Spiritual World; this plague has infiltrated into My Church; many of My shepherds are like those crows in the parable that I have given you; they are the cause of so much discordance in My Church; their speeches and sermons lack Spirituality, Faithfulness to My Word and My precepts; they repudiate My Mysteries in My Presence, they flout piety; remember the deeds performed by their ancestor Cain? they have adopted his language, serving vice instead of virtue, immorality instead of purity; they have submitted without reservation to the slavery of sin; these Cains are alive to sin, but lifeless to My Spirit of Truth; when My Day comes they will have to answer Me and give Me accounts for not having guarded the Traditions of their Shepherd; today, their mouth is condemning them and their own lips will bear witness against them; it is the fruit of their apostasy; But Lord, listen to the cry of Abel, do not let us lie alone here with no one to lift us! Your House is in ruin, Your House is our Shelter, and we have nowhere else to go, thousands will die from lack of Bread, we are living among the rubble, hear our voice and Your children’s laments, hear Your Abel! My child! be praying, never cease praying; daughter, I promise you that I shall enter into My Temple unexpectedly and with a loud Cry I shall say to Jerusalem: “be rebuilt!” and of the Temple: “let your foundations be laid” and She will be My New City, alive with My Spirit; and Love shall dwell among you all, My beloved remnant; and I shall fill Her with My Trees of Life; and you, My beloved ones, will eat to satiety;