True Life in God Messages

348 True Life in God Notebook 36 despair, My Word is being fulfilled; I have said that I-shall-be-with-you and live among you; you shall eat directly from Me and I shall offer you water from the Well of Life, free to anybody of you who is thirsty; My Fire is already coming down on you from Heaven and consuming you with My Great Love; I will spread this consuming Fire from nation to nation, transfiguring your wickedness into love, enticing your petrified hearts, leaving them ablaze, and your lethargy into zeal for Me your God; this Sacred Hour of My Fire will be spreading among you like a burning furnace and you will be filled with My Fire of Love, the Fire of My Holy Spirit; similar to the last Pentecost, I shall renew you, enlarging My Kingdom of Truth, Unity, Justice, Peace and Love; so rejoice! exult with all your heart, My beloved, I will come and remove all your proud boasters who were one of the reasons of your dispersion and your downfall; they who muffle down My Spirit shall be overpowered by My Breath; you shall be purified by My Fire of Love; daughter, love Me, adore Me, please Me, Love loves you; I bless you, My child; We us, Lord? we, us; My child, come;  September 13, 1989 My persecutors cluster round me, my Lord, they are determined to see me crushed, lend an ear to my prayer, guard me from the arrogant claims and from the lying tongues, my Protector allow me to take my shelter in Your Sacred Heart. My child, leave everything into My Hands; your accusers are in reality My accusers, your condemnors are My condemnors, your persecutors are My persecutors; My children perish for want of knowledge, yet, when Knowledge is freely given from above, they reject It, But Lord, You can always spread Your Message of Peace and Love through souls who are open to You and willing. (I suddenly felt pains in the palms of my hands.) flower, your pains are invisible to the eye; listen, My Divine Works will cover this earth, I shall see to it that they cover this earth and no man will be able to interfere in My Plan; flower, be certain, for this is My Will; allow Me to use you as I wish; I love you, and because of the greatness of the Love I have for you, I allow you to drink from My bitter Cup; the greater My Love I have for you, the more I will allow you to drink; I, as your Spouse too, offered you My most precious jewels; have I not entrusted you with My Cross, My Nails and My Thorned Crown? see how I love you? My Ways are not your ways, I am purifying your soul, leading it into perfection and into the road of sanctification; My bride, allow Me to adorn you with My jewels, allow Me to show you My Passion; self-abnegation will lead you to perfection, so leave Me free to do what is best for your soul and remember, even though you do not understand fully My Words and My Ways, remember that Jesus means Saviour;  Lord, those who refuse all private revelations have as an argument that the only True Revelation is the Holy Bible. This