True Life in God Messages

Notebook 36 True Life in God 347 Cross, I need to rest for a while, will you bear My Cross for Me? My Lord, willingly. do remember what I am giving you; My Cross is precious, lift My Cross, I shall return to unload It from your shoulders later on; My child, I delight in souls who are available for Me; never deny Me whatsoever; be always ready and available for Me, your God;  September 6, 1989 Lord? I am; before you I stand; realise this Grace, My Vassula, Somehow Lord I do not realise fully. I am unable to realise, but I believe. believe, yes, believe in a child-like-faith; for this is what pleases Me and the Father; do you wish to write? yes? I realised that I have forgotten to write. about My Cross? Yes, Lord. then write it now, Thank You, my God. (Later on, after Jesus left with me His Cross, in a mystic way, it was like I received on me till late at night a rain of sorrows . It was like the world with its sins was closing upon me, sins of every kind. Suddenly, among this torment, I remembered Jesus in Gethsemane. I wept bitterly. On the other hand, I was pleased to relieve Jesus for just a short while. Jesus later on came and took His Cross.) I am sharing It with you now, beloved; Lord, I am listening. listen and hear; have you ever heard of anyone who tried to live in devotion to Me and was never attacked or persecuted? No Lord, some of them even died as martyrs. yes, so you see, little one, we have now confirmation of what was said in the prophecies; to this day whoever comes forth from My Mouth and raises his voice to deliver My Message, is sure to be persecuted by the Cains; I call them but they refuse to listen; I beckon, but no one takes notice; they are spurning all My warnings, they make fun of the promise; have I not said that in your days I shall pour out My Spirit on mankind? and that I will put My Laws directly into your hearts and write them on your minds? no prophecy comes from man’s initiative, how could it? My Word is given by My Holy Spirit, thus making men speak of Me; I, the Lord, have promised you New Heavens and a New Earth and My Vassula, I am in full preparation of these! but people are selfcentred in your days, irreligious, heartless, preferring their own pleasure to God, but the days are fleeing and soon all this wickedness will come to its end, swept away and cleaned by My Fire of Love; so courage, little one; hardships will always be, but My Strength will always sustain you; soon you will see My New Heavens and will live on a New Earth; for My promise is soon to be fulfilled and a renewal of My Church is on its way; already you are living in the beginning of its birth-pangs, so courage, My beloved ones, you who bear My Name and are My offspring; do not