True Life in God Messages

346 True Life in God Notebook 36 My Son is aware of your weakness and your faults, but you need not worry if you abandon yourselves entirely into His Divine Hands and trust Him; come to Him as you are and offer Him your will; offer Him your love; offer Him your sufferings, your sorrows, your anguishes, your problems; offer Him everything; trust Him, allow Him to lead you into the depths of His Sacred Heart where you will find His Peace; this Peace your soul needs so much; I want you always to be on your guard against the evil one who encourages trouble, divisions and confusion and more than ever is fighting God’s Plan of Salvation; he is deceiving even the elect, confounding them; but, anyone who will call in the Name of the Lord will be heard and saved from falling, but those who will be listening to the evil one’s voice, will be failing to recognise the righteousness that comes from God, they will fail to recognise Love’s Voice; remember always that the footsteps of those who bring good news is a welcome sound; pray, beloved children, with your heart, and welcome the Spirit that is now being outpoured on many nations; feel how the days of Love’s Return are approaching and that Grace is shed unsparingly upon so many of you; I will end up My Message by reminding you that you were created out of love for Love, to love your Creator and that everything that was made to exist is made by Him and for Him; so praise Him and give glory to the One Who created you; please Me, your Mother, and meditate Our Messages and live Our Messages; I bless you all, I bless your families; I, your Holy Mother, love you all; September 5, 1989 My Lord, I have spent hours meditating upon the fruitless conversation I had last night. I was too distraught to even approach You later on. I did not dare face You, out of shame. What have I said on Your behalf? Nothing. I failed You ... I have neither honoured You nor praised You and yet, I delight in nothing but in You, my Lord. I am pining away with love for You, Lord. God keep my heart pure and away from temptations. My Vassula, feel this love I have for you ... My Mercy is Great and My Tenderness has overcome My anger; My Ways are Holy, daughter, so be holy for I am Holy; may your conversations be like music to My Ears; Wisdom, My child, is your Teacher and Educator; avoid empty talk, avoid useless conversations; be fruitful, speak from My Teachings; I am your Counsellor and advice shall always come from Me; My pupils I want perfect, so be perfect! resent all things that pull you down, like gossip, empty talk; I love you and I want you perfect; feel My Presence and glorify Me by being My reflection, speak for Me; a pupil who is in My Hands should remain pure and listen to his Master’s Voice; My Grace is upon you, I desire you to keep and follow My precepts, understand how I have placed you in My Sacred Heart since the beginning; My Spirit is upon you, I blessed you, beloved; courage, all this is not in vain; all you have to do is to love Me, adore Me and allow Me to use your hand; I wish you to be My Echo, What do You mean, Lord? I mean you to read out My Messages in prayer meetings; I feel glorified; meditate often and accept all that I give you; flower, I come to you with My