True Life in God Messages

Notebook 35 True Life in God 345 by Me with My Spirit; not even the Archangel Michael when he was engaged in argument with the devil about the corpse of Moses, dared to denounce him in the language of abuse, all he said was: “let the Lord correct you”; 1 hope in Me, have Faith and Love Me; live Holy for I am Holy; fast and repair, repent, and offer Me your abandonment daily to Me; abandon yourselves into My Hands and I shall make out of you living columns of light; pray without ceasing, pray with your heart; receive Me2 in purity and My graces shall pour upon you, come at adoration time and adore Me, confess your so many sins; please Me your God and walk with Me; follow My precepts and do not look left or right; be perfect! be My Heaven! O creation, if you only knew how I, your God, love you, you would not hesitate to follow Me in My Footprints! why look elsewhere for consolation? My Sacred Heart is the balm to your wounds, My Sacred Heart is your Home; My Eyes are upon you all; I bless each one of you; I bless your families; I bless all those who read this Message, leaving My Sigh of Love upon your forehead, Love loves you all; be one;  Thank You my Lord. I bless You. September 4, 1989 (Persecuted.) In times of persecution In You my soul takes warm shelter, until the raging storm ceases again. I tend my ear towards Heaven to listen to Your Tender Voice, 1Jude 9. 2Holy Eucharist. ever so consoling. I need not fear, beside me Your Holy Presence consoles me, there is no one who can replace Your Faithfulness, You are my Master now, The Highest, the Lord of Lords, my Redeemer, and so I fully abandon myself to You, my soul and my heart I commit into Your Divine Hands. Amen. Wisdom, My child, is your Teacher and Educator; come, fall into your Abba’s Arms for consolation, you will not find better; put your trust in Me, offer Me your sorrows, I make good use of them; come, and let Me be a hiding place for you; I said, “I will watch over you”; I shall not leave the torrents of your persecutors, who in reality are My persecutors, sweep you away, in their turbulent waves; the more they persecute you, My child, all the more I, the Lord, shall raise you and bless you; never forget this; rely on Me, let your prayers be like incense; allow Me to use you as My bait for the godless; all these sacrifices will not be in vain; remember, My Sacred Heart is your Home; we? us? We, us, my Lord. be good; (Our Holy Mother’s Message for the Prayer meeting.) peace be with you all; God alone is Wisdom; listen to Wisdom’s Voice that calls out to you in this desert, open your ears and recognise His Voice; Jesus is calling you all, one after the other to return to Him, to return to Love and follow Him in His Footprints;