True Life in God Messages

Notebook 35 True Life in God 343 Lord, allow me to read to You a Psalm of David called... (I opened at random) ...“Hymn of Praise to Yahweh the King”. Ps. 145. I have chosen this Psalm, so that you read it out to Me; read, My Vassula, looking at Me; I am listening, (I read to the Lord the Psalm.) come, pray, fast, read My Word; receive Me in Holy Communion; pray the Rosary; adore Me; we, us? Forever. (Later on that night:) Shall we go and rest, my Lord? yes, let us rest, but with one condition, that I rest in your heart and you in My Sacred Heart; (This made me smile and bounce with joy.) Yes, my Lord! I bless You, Jesus. I bless you, flower; come; August 28, 1989 My Lord please give me Your response to this question, from Scriptures. How do You wish Your Message transmitted, since You have chosen Your servant for this work already. Do You wish it to be parted or given whole as You have dictated it to me? (Answer in Mk. 4:21-23.) My Vassula, My Word is like a lamp to give light and shine so that every soul may see Me, feel Me and return to Me; see? I wish to remove this darkness which lies heavily in this world; I am giving you My Lamp so that you place It on a lampstand and not under your beds; Thank You, my Lord Jesus. come, flower, I bless the house that received you and bless My children; I love them infinitely; I shall never ever abandon them; carry My Cross too on your shoulders; share My Cross too; will you do this for Me? Love loves you;  August 29, 1989 Make my heart ready, Lord, to hear Your Word. I pray to You, Lord of Love, Lord of Mercy, in Your great Love answer me, God, shine on me and revive me with Your Light! Amen. I am the Lord of the Harvest and since you have asked for labourers to reap this rich Harvest, I shall send you those helpers; come nearer to Me now, approach; 1I Am The Resurrection and The Life and I promise you that the Day of Devotion is not far now; your dead will come to life again and all who still lie underground and buried by their sins I will raise to life again; I will enlarge My Kingdom and I will restore your lands which lie now barren and deplorable to look at; I shall repeat those Words from Scriptures: “does a woman forget her baby at the breast, or fail to cherish the son of her womb? yet even if these forget, I will never forget you;” 2 1Message for the prayer meeting. 2 Is. 49:15.