True Life in God Messages

342 True Life in God Notebook 35 (Later on ...) My Vineyard is being cared by My Own Hand now; for I have heard the cry of distress from the needy and the just, I heard them asking for fruit so I, the Lord of Mercy, am multiplying My Fruit, as I had multiplied the loaves and fishes and fed the crowds; this Fruit shall be the beauty and glory of this earth; I shall build a wall to surround My Vineyard, not to let My enemy trample on It; beloved, I, the Lord of the Vineyard, am among you; courage, My beloved ones; I know how you have been deprived of light and I know how you were imprisoned in darkness, but I am descending to contrast this darkness with My Blazing Fire of Love; the whole earth will shine with brilliant light and I who am Love shall live among you;  August 23, 1989 Vassula, be still, receive Me in peace; My ways with you are in silence; proclaim My Word left and right and never hesitate; I have given you, out of My Infinite Love, a gift to all humanity; praise Me, love Me, keep My Name Holy, My grace is upon you; hear Me, once the Vintage is ready, to Me you shall come; I will annihilate you entirely into My Body; I, the Most High, will never abandon you, knowing you are a nothing; so you see how I want you? remain nothing and you will abide in Me; be complacent and obedient to Me your God, who is surrounded by thousands of myriads of angels of each order; feel My Holiness, feel My Divinity, let your eyes be fixed upon Me, upon My Sacred Heart; be My flower; come, lower your eyes when I bless you, will you do this now? accept this Way I have chosen for you, be simple in heart, for this is what pleases Me; ask Me for Wisdom and I shall multiply Her on you, ask for Discernment and I shall pour Her on you, ask these things in your adoration to Me; come, evaluate all that you have learned from Me; I am your Teacher, your Educator, you are learning from Wisdom’s Lips, see? I am feeding you, My Vassula, and do you know with what? Spirituality; My Fruit; My Fruit of the Tree of Life; see? My Yahweh is good to me, His Love is everlasting, His Faithfulness endures from age to age, He has pulled me out of the pit and has healed me, He has settled my feet on a rock and steadied my steps; how many wonders You have done to us, My Lord! August 24, 1989 Jesus? I am; little one, one kind look, one little smile from you and My Heart rebounds with joy! (Later on.) Vassula, bless Me and praise Me; flower, are you happy to be with Me? learn that My Name will be glorified again; Yes, my Lord, I am happy at what You have done and Your great achievements are a blessing for us all. then, My child, proclaim My Name around the globe so that everyone may know that My Name is LOVE;