True Life in God Messages

340 True Life in God Notebook 35 was it not I who Atoned for you? could I have still watched you eat on the bread of tears? all I have done was to relieve you and to come to your rescue, and with great tenderness I have named you, My shepherds; the time is short now, I am giving you Wonders and Signs and filling the skies with Portents, I am giving you warning after warning, I am giving you Great Signs of My Love and My Mercy, but you are not aware of these ... is your heart today ready to receive Me? are your mouths ready to speak and acknowledge My Spirit of Grace that I outpour on you these days? are your eyes willing to see? are your ears ready to recognise My Cries of Love? are your hearts willing to open and acknowledge My Graces of today? are your feet ready to walk and come and prostrate yourselves at the Time of Adoration, just like the first shepherds who came to adore Me in My Nativity, glorifying Me? are you ready to glorify Me with your heart this time and show to My flock your love and your faithfulness towards Me? you claim you are alive and not dead, then how is it that I hear no sound from you? how is it that I hear no blessings? I am the One who reproves and disciplines all those I love; come and repent, fill My Sacred Heart with joy today and set your eyes on Me your Shepherd so that you may no longer err aimlessly in this desert; I am present to guide your feet into the Way of Peace, Love and Unity; I implore you then to take the Key to My Kingdom and use It; the Key to My Kingdom is LOVE, Love in all its Glory; Love and Humility will be the other Key for UNITY; take those keys and use Them, use Them, My beloved, and be one, be One Holy People; I bless each one of you, leaving My Sigh of Love upon your foreheads;  I want to add this to My Message: anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the dark; forgive, forgive, as I, the Lord, am forgiving; be holy just as I am Holy, meditate My Message, meditate, absorb My Message; Love loves you all;  (Our Holy Mother now is giving us Her Message:) I bless each one of you; I want from you to constantly praise the Lord, thanking Him for His Message; it is still a living power among you who believe It and follow It; be confident then in approaching the Throne of Grace, for you have His Mercy and His Love, for He is ever so Compassionate; follow His instructions and live His Messages, do not read Them only placing Them aside, waiting for the following One; put Them into practice, for this will please His Sacred Heart; listen to His Voice, My children, offer Him your problems and your sufferings and He will bless you; keep His Name Holy; Love is among you; come, I bless each one of you; August 12, 1989 Jesus? I am; flower, unity, bondage to Me, faithfulness, zeal, will raise you to Me; adore Me, I am your God; rest Me, I am your Holy Companion; console Me, I am your Spouse; hope in Me and Me only for I Am He Who Saves; I am Jesus;