True Life in God Messages

Notebook 35 True Life in God 339 I shall never fail you; by your discipline, they will look upon you as harsh, they will contradict you because My Ways are not their ways, 1 but these people will be only striving against the current of a river; be in Peace; daughter, I bless you;  August 9, 1989 (Message for prayer meeting of August 18, 1989 in St Joseph’s, the Catholic chapel of Caux.) Lord? I am; hear Me; beloved, I am Holy, and I am preparing you to walk into the Way of Sanctity; My little children, remember not to cling on earthly possessions, cling on all that comes from above and is heavenly and holy; I am Holy and since you are My offsprings, I desire you to live in holiness; hold My Name Holy, hallow My Name; My own, come to Me and find Me in Silence; feel Me ... allow yourselves to open entirely to Me and when you do, I then shall begin to rear you in great joy; I shall shower upon you learning and I shall raise your soul to Me, embellishing her; I am the Constant Reminder of My Holy Word, I am Discipline and Wisdom; I am the One and Unique who rears all those who abandon themselves to Me; live in My Light and find your Shelter under My Wings; eat from Me, do not try and snap off your Navel-String prematurely, allow Me to prepare you fully and feed your soul to maturity and to perfection so that you will be able to live; do not turn away 1This was due to a decision inspired by God but that was received in horror. from Me, walk with Me all day and all night long; I call again and again all those who still err in this wilderness seeking Me; come! you who err still in this wilderness saying: “I have sought My Redeemer but have not found Him;” find Me, My beloved, in purity of heart, by loving Me without self-interest; find Me in holiness, in the abandonment I desire of you; find Me by observing My Commandments; find Me by replacing evil with love, find Me in simplicity of heart; sin no more; cease in doing evil; learn to do good, search for justice; help the oppressed, let this wilderness and this aridity exult; let your tepidness enflame into an ardent flame; relinquish your apathy and replace it by fervour; do all these things so that you may be able to say: “I have sought my Redeemer and I have found Him; He was near me all the time but in my darkness I failed to see Him; O Glory be to God! Blessed be our Lord! how could I have been so blind?” I shall then remind you to keep and treasure My Principles so that you may live; O come to Me, all you shepherds, who have strayed from the Truth, how could you say that you have left no path of lawlessness or ruin unexplored? how could you boast that you crossed deserts without any tracks? what has boasting and arrogance conferred to My flock? yes, where is the flock of your boast now? can you say now that you have governed justly? have you ever asked yourselves in sincerity if you behaved as I, The Shepherd, would have you behave? listen then to Me, and understand and take these words as a warning, you who have exchanged your shepherd’s staff for a sceptre of Falsehood and who have thousands under your rule; was it not I who relieved your shoulders of the burden?