True Life in God Messages

338 True Life in God Notebook 35 I want to ask the advice of Our Holy Mother too. Holy Mother of “Perpetuel Secours” 1 come to my help again like in the times of persecution, intercede for me. I feel wretched for not knowing whether I was wrong in correcting this person. Maybe I was too harsh? Or wrong? Please give me your advice from the Lord’s Word, when I open It. (I opened the Holy Bible on Ph. 4:4-6. It read: Last advice: “I want you to be happy, always happy in the Lord; I repeat, what I want is your happiness. Let your tolerance be evident to everyone: the Lord is very near.”) Thank you Holy Mother, always advise me. I depend on Your Advice. (Our Holy Mother gave me three extra passages from the Holy Bible to encourage me and these are the following: “It is to you, then, to preach the behaviour which goes with healthy doctrine.” (Tt. 2:1); “Do not let people disregard you because you are young but be an example to all the believers in the way you speak and behave, and in your love, your faith and your purity.” (1 Tm. 4:12); “... your zeal has been a spur to many more ...” (2 Co. 9:3).) Lord? I am; My teachings are sound, so do not worry; worry about those who replace good with evil and insinuate to do good when in reality they are doing evil; worry about the dispersions and the divisions in My Church, worry about those who ignore the Works of the Spirit; for on such I will pour out My wrath, they are the cause of the downfall of My children; My Lord, do not hide Your Holy Face from those who love You, bend down to us and come to our rescue, come back to us. 1Perpetual Help. Return to us. Be quick and return! Let Your children see what You can do for them, let them see Your Glory. pray and amend; amend for the sins and the iniquity of this era; I need victim souls; enliven this dead era with love; although you are nothing, you can appease My Justice by loving Me; glorify Me by loving Me; remember how I lead your soul towards sanctity; beloved, come to Me, why look elsewhere? be prudent, daughter, with words, with gossip, with remarks, replace all these with silence, My Silence;  sono con te, Padre Pio, recordatelo sempre; August 7, 1989 Lord? I am; look around and understand; My Word is given to you; recognise My Signs and fear not; blessed one, I remain in you because of your nothingness, I freed you from your chains; let no one2 trap you; remember, I have showered upon you learning and discernment; beloved, let no one deceive you; little one, I give him3My Peace and My Love; bless him and forgive him as I, the Lord, have forgiven him; My Vassula, I have said that all I have given you is to cover My interests; eating directly from Me was to embellish your soul; remain in My favour, remain in My Arms; I, the Lord, guarantee to you that 2 This was said when I asked again the Lord about the same person whom I corrected. I did not know anymore if my discernment was just ‘feelings’, as he had put it, or whether my discernment was real. 3That particular person.