True Life in God Messages

Notebook 35 True Life in God 337 infiltrated into My Body, heresies that are devouring My Body; like cancer they develop inside My Body; their yeast has infiltrated into My Bread ... I tell you most solemnly that these people will bear the weight of their faults and the fault of those following them; this will be as grave as the faults of their ancestors who worshipped Baal; flower, remember My Holy Presence; My Eyes never detach from you; come, we, us? Forever. August 4, 1989 (Last night, while waking up in the middle of the night, I realised that the Holy Spirit was praying for me the Credo. I followed the Voice, which was in the middle of the prayer, and finished the prayer. Later on, again that night, I woke up and realised that the Voice of the Holy Spirit was praying Saint Michael’s prayer. I had woken up somewhere in the middle of the prayer. I finished the prayer with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is praying in me without ceasing, even when I’m asleep.) My Lord and My God, Sacred Heart of Jesus, is it Your Will for (...) it will be for those who love You. Please give me Your answer in Your Word. (Later on, the Lord showed me Col. 3:1-4.) I will write it: “since you have been brought back to true life with Me, you must look for the things that are in heaven, where I am, sitting at God’s right hand; let your thoughts be only on heavenly things, not on the things that are on earth, because you have died, and now the life you have is hidden with Me; but when I am revealed – and I am your life – you too will be revealed in all your glory with Me;” for all the good you do under My Name, glorifies Me; I am Love; we, us? Yes; we, us. we, us? Yes, Holy Mother; we, us. Lord! Please help me know where I’m standing, for as it is now I feel as though the ground I stand on is moving. You made sure that no one would be my Spiritual Director and that it will only be from You that I will receive sound teaching and counsel. Now my heart grieves for not knowing (the big problem I am facing). You said that You will expound discipline to a nicety and proclaim knowledge with precision. Now I am being jostled harshly because I was trying to warn and correct someone. I need Your Counselling. First, I plead You Father to tell me if I was wrong. Reassure me, by giving me Your confirmed answer to my question from Your Word, then speak to me, my Lord. “keep as your pattern the sound teaching you heard from Me, in the faith and love that are in Me; you have been trusted to look after something precious; guard it with the help of My Holy Spirit who lives in all of you;” 1 Vassula, let Me write this too; you must live your whole life according to the way you have received Me, your Lord; you must be rooted in Me and built on Me and held firm by the faith you have been taught, and full of thanksgiving; make sure that no one traps you and deprives you of your freedom by some second-hand, empty, rational philosophy based on the principles of this world instead of on Me, the Christ; 12 Tm. 1:13-14.