True Life in God Messages

336 True Life in God Notebook 35 generation calls herself fatherless I am ready to forgive and forget and take back all those who have apostatised; My Holy Spirit of Grace is ready to lift and renew you; why continue to reduce your lands into deserts? are you not weary in having to live in wilderness? return to Me, be one of those who have sought My Wells and have found them; I shall renew you with My Perfection, with My Beauty, with My Glory; I mean to raise you in perfection so that your soul may live; I wish to speak to My beloved children; 1 I love them and My Love for them is eternal; I have called to show them My Heart and they have heard Me; they heard My cry from My Cross; I always desired to seduce their soul since they are My offspring; I desired this closeness to Me since the beginning of times; and from all eternity I wished them to love Me and adore Me their God; come, I wish to remind them how I can manifest Myself in different ways and in devout souls, revealing My secrets, revealing My Wisdom; I wish them to learn how to discern what comes from the Spirit and what comes from their subjectivity; since the beginning I have never ceased advising them to watch My Lips; lack of discernment produces unripe fruits, folly, presumption, it can only aggravate their hearts; I have raised them from their lethargy so that they may live, and I have waited for this Hour ever so impatiently; with Me they will learn; understand how My Spirit works; I love you all and I do not wish you to fall into folly, I do not wish you to be misled by your own subjectivity; be humble, stay small and allow Me to feed you in the way I have chosen; I shall never cease watching over you; I, the Lord, give you My Blessings, My Love and My Peace; 1The group of Athens. July 29, 1989 (Rhodos) (I ran to the Lord for just a moment.) Love is near you; stay small, so that My Spirit can grow in you; I Am the Truth, the Life and the Way; Glorify Me by loving Me; July 30, 1989 (Rhodos) (Today’s reading was from Col. 2:1-15. This was after I had met a man belonging to the Penticostians. He said that all the messages were beautiful but that surely the devil intervened taking Our Mother’s name! He said that the demon will be the one who will unite the Churches! It’s amazing how Satan can mislead good people...) Lord? I am; have My Peace, My Peace is yours; truly do not get deceived by rational philosophy and unsound teachings, fulfil your mission for My Glory and repeat all these things I have been teaching you; I am Wisdom and your Educator, from My Own Lips you are learning, repeat after Me these words: Lord, take me in soul, take me in spirit, my Lord Jesus, take my heart, all is Yours, Your Love is better than life itself; I put my hope in You; amen; little one, Love will remain always near you; will you remember always who is your Redeemer? heaven is mourning all day and all night long for these heresies that