True Life in God Messages

Notebook 35 True Life in God 335  (The above message was given after the ‘ship incident’. While sailing from Rhodos to Patmos, someone started to talk religion. In 15 minutes, the twelve of us found ourselves surrounded by a big crowd of young people, most of them atheists and arguing with us. They were fighting God’s Word. But in spite of this violent attack and mockery, one of them got converted there and then.) My Lord, let them see Your Jealous Love. You are our Peace and Hope. We do not deserve Your Love nor Your Mercy. Be with us for we are weak and frail like flowers and we need Your Sap to nourish us. be holy, like I am Holy; read My Word; live for Me and Me only; repay evil with love; be like shoots which sprout from the Vine; soon you will bud and blossom and you will fill the world with fruit; have My Peace, stay on My Bosom; Holy is My Name, so remember to be holy; come; July 26, 1989 (Inside the cavern of the Apocalypse, just where the scribe’s feet were standing to write, I lay down my copy-book and receive the Lord’s Message.) Lord? I am; never doubt; I Am with you now and until the end of times and forever; Lord? I am; Love is near you, do not fear; come, all I ask from you is Love, a return of Love; My Peace is yours, take My Peace so that you may give It to others; cease to do evil; Unite! Unite and be one, as I and the Father are One and the Same; peace ... peace, come and make peace with Me, Love is calling you now;  July 28, 1989 (Rhodos) Lord? I am; little one, realise how I am Present; And will I hear You, my Lord? little one, I want you to hear Me and feel Me; allow My finger to rest on you, allow My Spirit to breathe in you; O Lord, how I do not deserve all this! be one with Me ... how I, the Lord, love you! see? My Sacred Heart is open and he who wants to step in It is welcome; you are all free to choose; if you choose My Sacred Heart, I will fill you, I will let you live in My Light, you will absorb from Me; I will nourish you, then I shall ask you if you are willing to share with Me; like a Spouse and a Bride we will share and I shall renovate you entirely with My Love; Lord, make everyone come back to You. Renew our generation as in times past. come then, come back to Me; I am not rejecting you; I am all Merciful and ever so Compassionate; acknowledge your sins, repent and be Mine; I-Am-HeWho-Saves, I am your Redeemer, I Am the Holy Trinity, all in One; I Am the Spirit of Grace and although your