True Life in God Messages

Notebook 34 True Life in God 333 what I consider evil; I called you, but you would not listen, you disobeyed Me; 1 ... Ah my God, mercy on us, wash these shepherds clean of their guilt, purify them from their sin. My little bride, allow Me to share My sorrows with you; I love You Lord, my God, ever so Tender and Merciful, I live only for You, my gaze is only upon You and no one else, I adore You! ah how your words of love appease My Justice! every drop of love counts, innumerable souls can be saved by love; allow Me to use you as My tablet; I come to you to show you My Wounds and like a friend tell you of My sorrows; I am showing you the Wounds of My Sacred Heart; Blessed be our Lord. My Vassula, I am in the Age of Mercy now, have you not noticed how My Spirit of Grace is poured upon you? it is now that you have to repent, it is now for you to change your lives; pray without ceasing; pray with love; do not persist in rebellion; for the terrible Hour of Justice is soon with you, be ready to face Me then as a Judge; daughters and sons of Mine, long ago I freed you from your chains that linked you to death and with great Compassion I have taken you back; I redeemed you from the evil one, I showed you My Heart and how it was pierced by your ancestors, I sacrificed Myself in order to set you free; your era provokes Me incessantly and yet I, out of great pity, I let My Spirit of 1This was said with great bitterness. Grace remind you of My precepts; My Mercy today reaches from one end of the earth to the other, listen to My voice of today, accept My Mercy of today; I solemnly ask you to pray with your heart; fast, repent, love one another; renew yourselves into a completely new batch so that I may show My Glory through your transfiguration;  July 19, 1989 Holy One, my soul yearns for Your Sacred Heart, happy are all those who live in Your Sacred Heart and can adore You all day long; happy those who receive graces from You; call back to life again all those who still lie dead, so that they may rejoice in You, show them Your Love, show them Your Sacred Heart so that they may sing a New Hymn of Love to You. beloved of My Soul, take My Hand and evaluate all that Wisdom instructed you with; I have instructed you with the language of Love; I have instructed you to discern and to listen to My Voice, I have instructed you how to find Me, your Lord; I have enlivened your soul, I reminded you of My Beauty and that I am the Sublime Source of Love; from all Eternity I longed to be with you, in you and you in Me; perhaps now you are beginning to understand this ardent Love of Mine? and how eager I, your God, am and how I thirst for Love? flower, I am always with you and will be till the end and forever; make My Sacred Heart your Home, like a dove that has its cote, have My Sacred Heart to be your Home; My Love for you all is everlasting;