True Life in God Messages

332 True Life in God Notebook 34 faith, let everything you do be done in love; I bless you; we, us? For eternity, my Lord. come, rest in My Sacred Heart, your Home;  July 15, 1989 My Lord, come, lift me and allow me to meet You. Let Your Light shine on me, I try not to forget Your statutes, though the nooses of my persecutors do not seem looser where I live in this wilderness, but remembering Your Presence in my heart, I take courage, I rejoice at Your Presence, Holy of Holies. Vassula of My Sacred Heart, love Me, amend for those who do not, please My Sacred Heart and learn this little prayer: O Sacred Heart of Jesus, restore my soul, hide my heart into Your Sacred Heart, so that I may live, amen; devote this prayer to My Sacred Heart; daughter, your toiling will not be in vain; ah, My remnant, never cease praying, never cease looking at Me; fix your eyes on Me, have Me always Present in your mind for I Am Holy, Holy, Holy; your persecutors, My child, are My persecutors as well, they are those who come by night into My Vineyard to destroy It; but do not fear, I am like a watchman on guard against those prowlers; I shall allow no man to touch the fruits of My Vineyard; July 17, 1989 Lord? My child, hear Me and write; I am the Great Shepherd of My flock; I had trained shepherds to look after My flock, but many of My companions have taken the gear of incompetence, not bothering for the lost, not bringing back to the fold the strayed; My best friends are giving Me the greatest sorrows, and the deepest Wounds on My Body are inflicted by the staff I Myself had given them; they are My best friends, yet I am Wounded beyond recognition from their own hand, I am incessantly scourged on My back; My whole Body shivers from pain, My parched Lips tremble, without fear they cry out for Peace, but there is no peace, because they have allowed themselves to be captured and seduced by Rationalism, Disobedience and Vanity; what sorrow they give Me and what Wounds they inflict on Me! Lord? Why is it so difficult for some? it is difficult to leave the sceptre of Falsehood once they hold it; it is difficult to give up their human doctrines and regulations; it is difficult to die to their own greed; it is difficult to accept the self-abasement-robes; to these I say: howl, shepherds, shriek, roll on the ground, you lords of the flock, for the days have arrived for your slaughter; like the finest rams you will fall one after the other; I had offered you the fairest heritage among My friends, I had ranked you with the elect; My House, I trusted you with, but you have not followed My precepts, you have apostatised, you did