True Life in God Messages

330 True Life in God Notebook 34 remember how I have redeemed you from the evil one; I am the Source of your hope, I will always share with you till the end; so come and unburden your heart to Me, I and you, together; realise how I lead your soul, without any merit from you, daughter; everything I give is freely given, unite with Me and be one, I give you My Peace; sin no more; Alpha and Omega? I Am; Glory be to God, blessed be Our Lord. flower, remember, when you see Me, smile at Me; I am Love and am at your side; allow Me to be your Educator; it has already been said that My sons and My daughters will be taught by Me and that Love will be your Educator; your Teacher and all discourses will come from Wisdom Herself; I it is who will guide you till the end; come, you who err still in this wilderness, saying: “I have sought My Redeemer but have not found Him;” find Me, My beloved, in purity of heart, by loving Me without self-interest; find Me in holiness, in the abandonment I desire of you; find Me by observing My Commandments; find Me by replacing evil with love, find Me in simplicity of heart; sin no more; cease in doing evil; learn to do good; search for justice; help the oppressed; let this wilderness and this aridity exult; let your tepidness enflame into an ardent flame; relinquish your apathy and replace it by fervour; do all these things so that you may be able to say: “I have sought my Redeemer and I have found Him; He was near me all the time but in my darkness I failed to see Him; O Glory be to God! Blessed be our Lord! how could I have been so blind?” I shall then remind you to keep and treasure My Principles, so that you may live; Thank You, my Lord, that You are now going to turn this wilderness into flowing springs. remember My Teachings; come, remember My Presence at all times; Love loves you; 1 shall we share? Oh yes, Lord! then let us share with love; be one with Me; July 9, 1989 (The Lord gave me to read a passage in Scriptures, saying that He will rebuild Jerusalem.) Lord? I am; all that you have read will come true; My Church, I shall rebuild; My Church today lies in ruin and in terrible havoc, but the days are soon coming when every man shall follow My Law; because of the Seeds of Love I am sowing now in their heart, they shall carry My Law deep inside their heart, and they will be called: Witnesses of the Most High; they shall be My People and I shall be their God, and Knowledge they shall learn directly from My Own Lips, I will be their Master and they will be My Pupils; I shall then establish Order that will never pass away, and they shall all know Me by My Holy Name, even those without any merits, since I am Infinite Mercy, Forgiveness and Pity; yes, the Walls of My Sanctuary will be rebuilt, layer after layer, brick after brick; all will be rebuilt by My Own Hand; 1 I suddenly remembered my household work.