True Life in God Messages

Notebook 34 True Life in God 329 Me! Ecclesia would not have been in ruin as it is now, for of what use to Me are their formalities and their ceremonies when love is missing? can a tree survive without a root? the Root of My Church is Love; if then Love is missing, how can My Church survive? Jesus, I want to console You. repose My Head with your love; love Me and allow Me to rest in you; I rejoice profoundly that I shall see you all at My Tabernacle; 1 Love loves you; I Am the Lord, so feel secure;  July 7, 1989 Teach me to obey You since You are my God, and since it is You who educates me. My spirit is failing me and I feel unconsoled in this exile. Lord, listen to my pleading, where are You? flower, peace be with you; I am near you, from now on I want you to have more faith in Me; am I not your Educator? so why have you to worry? be in Peace, I am Forgiveness; remain faithful to Me and leave the rest to Me; I will never deny you My Bread, nor My Love; care for each other; pray often to Me, even for just one moment; I am always before you and I am the Only One who will guide you; feel then confident since your hand is in Mine; I know you are poor, but am I not Infinite Wealth? you need not worry, for it is I who will provide you, never think for one second that I shall leave you in the dark; I will fill your lamp with oil; I will never cease feeding you; little one, I 1 Jesus was referring to those who would be present at the hour of adoration. am caring for you; pray without ceasing, allow Me to be your Educator till the end; caress Me with your love, adorn Me with your prayers, infatuate Me with your simplicity; seek me and you shall find Me in simplicity of heart; desire Me, thirst for Me and never weary to evangelise for Love with love; I, the Lord, love you to jealousy; remain in My Sacred Heart; My Sacred Heart will give you all that your soul lacks; I desire this love since I am the Source of Love; Love loves you all;  July 8, 1989 Lord, my soul lacks Wisdom, perseverance, fervour, patience. I need Your Strength to go on, but I know I need only to say: “I’m failing You, I’m slipping away from You,” and Your Love immediately comes to support me, Your Hand to lift me. Lord? I am; never doubt, I am the Lord and your Refuge; when you need Me in times of dangers remember to call out My Name and I will rush to your rescue; cling on Me, beloved, for I am your God who protects you; I answer to all those who invoke Me; trust Me and I shall never fail you; lean on Me, let My Shoulder be your headrest, My Sacred Heart your Home; forsaken, you shall never be; have I not out of My Infinite Mercy lifted you to Me? have I not rained a downpour of blessings upon you? arise then and do not be afraid; I know you are fainthearted but I shall give you My Strength to face My oppressors; they shall fall one after the other; no one shall touch you, for I am your Refuge; you need not fear while passing through this exile,