True Life in God Messages

328 True Life in God Notebook 34 will gather again into one Holy Fold under My Holy Name;” pray, O children of the Lord, and allow the Lord to redress His People by accepting what comes out of the babe’s mouth and the lowly; have no fear, Salvation is near and at your very gates; I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; amen; allow the Lord to use you, Vassula; yearn for the Lord; love Him for He is most Compassionate; (Later on. Still thirsty for God, I come to Him in this special way He has given me, even if it meant to be for ten seconds. I needed just an exchange of intimacy, a conversation with my Redeemer.) Lord, I love You ... I am; flower, love Me; you rejoice Me; approach, I am near you; July 5, 1989 My Lord? I am; peace be with you; Lord, sometimes it is difficult. My Vassula, I know it is hard to live in a desert, but remember how My Eyes never leave you; lean on Me; My Words do not differ from the past; I have never ceased to call every generation to convert; with great love and pity I will always hold out My Hand to you; are you willing to proceed with My Works of Love? Yes Lord, I am willing, if this is Your wish. it is My wish, My wish is to embellish every soul on earth, My wish is to let everyone taste My Bread; I love you all; My wish is to fill you and at no cost; My wish is to bring back to their senses the godless; My Vassula, feel My Sacred Heart; never has It been torn and pained as much as in this dark era; O God ... yet, how much greater My pain to see so many souls heading for the eternal fires ... understand My child, how your suffering is nothing compared to Mine; allow Me to rest in you; be in Peace;  July 6, 1989 Lord, these past days surely You are hiding Your Face from me, I do not feel Your Light as much as before, why are You abandoning me? Lord? I am; never cease praying; I am your Redeemer, the Holy One; My love for you is great and I am teaching you what is good for your soul; it is I who forms you, do not think that I am abandoning you; grieve not; you are not toiling in vain; listen, My Vassula, I love you and I shall never cease feeding you My Bread; hear Me; I am, out of great pity, preparing for this generation a delightful Vineyard; I am like a Vine, putting out graceful shoots; 1My Blossoms bear the Fruit of Love and Peace; approach Me, you who desire Me and take your fill of My Fruits; 2 they who eat Me will hunger for more, they who drink Me will thirst for more; 3 ah daughter, how I wish that every soul would hunger and thirst for 1Si. 24:17. 2Si. 24:18-19. 3Si. 24:21.