True Life in God Messages

326 True Life in God Notebook 34 Wisdom? I shall instruct you freely with Wisdom; Perseverance? I shall infuse your soul to be full of zeal; Patience? I will give you Mine; Endurance for atoning for yourself and for others? you will absorb from Me; Love? I will fill your heart from Mine; Peace? My Peace is yours; ah my child! why have you stopped asking Me these Graces that can nourish your soul? I do not really know ... remember, I am Wisdom and your Educator, so depend on Me; have I not nourished your soul so far and those of others? I shall continue to pour on you teachings like prophecy; trust Me, seek Me, walk with Me, obey Me, love and adore Me; I am Present at all times, so feel secure; I am the Authority and Discipline that descend upon you; ah, My child, I love you everlastingly, do not trouble your soul seeking to understand My Ways, for in doing this you only allow yourself to be drawn into winding ways that never end; know that My Ways are not your ways and the difference of this is, I tell you, immense! accept what I give you in Peace, allow Me to keep My Finger on you; I and you, united in Love, come, we, us?  June 29, 1989 Blessed be our Lord, the Almighty, who alone performs marvels. My God, You taught me Your Word and I am still proclaiming your marvels. Full of Compassion You forgave my guilt and You brought me back to my senses. You have made me understand and perceive Wisdom’s Words: They who eat Me will hunger for more, they who drink Me will thirst for more; 1 Similar to a woman who has been widowed, so am I roaming in this desert looking for Your Eternal Source and Your green pastures where I may lay my head and rest. daughter, instead of a barren tree, I have made you flourish and bear fruit; instead of a hostile pagan, a fervent worshiper; instead of apathy, I have given you zeal for Me, your God; come, stay in My favour and be one with Me; Lord, I was wondering about our meeting of yesterday ... I, the Lord, will give My couriers My news; look, today I am having your hands unchained; feel free ... if you like to come with Me and share My Cross of Peace and Love, then come, I will look after you; feel free ... you know very well that I am self sufficient, I am the Most High; I love your innocence and I shall not deprive you from my Signs; I shall give to the poor and needy so that they may praise My Name; come to Me in purity of heart, I mean to progress you; come and extol Me and adore Me for I Am Holy; Love loves you eternally, come; Lord? I am; pray and let Me hear your prayer, the prayer I have given you in dictation; “O Sacred Heart of Jesus, My Lord, whom I adore, I offer You my will; make me Your instrument of Your Peace and Love, make me Your victim of Your burning desires 1Si. 24:21.