True Life in God Messages

324 True Life in God Notebook 34 (Padre Pio is often encouraging me.) June 14, 1989 Jesus? I am; My Will is to improve you; is it yours too? Yes, my Lord, it is, but my surroundings are difficult. accept your surrounding and all that I have given you; My Will is to have you near Me, leaning on Me and no one else; I am your Master and I am your Spiritual Director; My Vassula, allow Me to read you a passage from My Word; (Jesus made me open the Holy Bible on Ecclesiasticus (the Book of Sirach) 4:11-22: Wisdom as Educator. I had opened at random.) see? I am Wisdom and I am your Educator; Lord, verse 19 bothers me. that means if you refuse Me totally, but do not worry, I will lift you every time you are bound to fall; I have you placed in a special part of My Sacred Heart, My Vassula; allow Me to educate you fully; Love loves you, I am pleased every time you remember Me; will you meditate upon all of this? have My Peace; My God, how is all of this possible, God talking to me? I Am; flower, be with Me; Glory be to God. June 15, 1989 My God? I am; discern Me ... be prepared to receive Me, My angel, repeat after Me these words: O Sacred Heart of Jesus, My Lord whom I adore, I offer You my will, make Me your instrument of Your Peace and of Your Love, make me Your victim of Your Burning Desires of Your Sacred Heart; amen; yes, and now abandon yourself to Me entirely; I need victim souls, so offer Me your will, Vassula; be one with Me, I, who am the Supreme Victim of Love; My remnant, My own, My myrrh, My altar, I will embellish your soul by letting you share My Cross of Peace and Love till the end; I and you, you and I, united in Love;  June 19, 1989 (Message given for the prayer meeting at Fribourg at the Soeur du Bon Pasteur.) Lord? I am; peace be with you, dearest souls; feel Me, feel My Presence; I am among you all; come and remove this veil that lies heavily on your eyes and see Me in My Glory; I know how weak you are and that at the slightest tempest risen by My enemy you shake and fall, but do not despair in these Rebellious Times, for I, the Lord, who am your Refuge and your Consoler,