True Life in God Messages

322 True Life in God Notebook 33 only knew what a Grace I am offering you! come, please Me by meditating upon My Message, please Me and live My Message, please Me and change your lives; happy the man who meditates on what I am offering him today and studies his heart and examines his soul, for I shall raise him; happy are My priests, bishops and cardinals who come to Me like the publican1 admitting his guilt, for in these hearts My Word shall take root and prosper; I shall then unveil their eyes so that they may see and understand with their heart that all that I need is Love, Love and Adoration; but alas! so many of these ministers have fallen into the charms of Satan! how can I endure their formalities and their pseudo-humility when inside them love is missing? who is there left to adore Me? who, among all these will be the first to give the example to My children and come with his heart full of love to Me, fall prostrate in My Holy Presence and adore Me in silence? all I ask, beloved ones, is love in holiness; I am in search of your heart; come and offer Me your heart and I shall imbue it with My Love so that you in your turn may fill My children’s hearts too; I am your Holy One who asks you this simple question: where is the flock once entrusted to you, the flock that was your boast? 2 purify yourselves, repent, obey the Vicar of My Church, John Paul II, who never fails you but whom you push aside and ignore; all you who are still scoffing at him are weighing ever so heavily in My Sacred Heart ... betrayed, I Am, and by My Own ... for how long still are you to be like a deceptive oasis for My flock? a mirage of an endless desert? brothers, all I ask from you is Love; come and adore Me, spend no time in 1Lk. 18:9-14. 2Jr. 13:20. seeking Me where I do not exist; be the example to My flock; Love is waiting, come and adore Me, come and adore Me, your God and your King; come back to Me, brothers of Mine, and I, your Jesus, with My Sacred Heart palpitating with an everlasting love, I shall pity you and will let your sins pass Me by, never reminding you of a single one; seek Me while I am still to be found in My Mercy3 and I shall come and open the eyes of the blind and the ears of those whom I have made deaf, I shall unseal; I will allow you to see My Light and hear and understand My Word, so that you may be converted and be able to praise and extol and glorify Me your God from the very depths of your heart; I, the Lord, place My Hand on your head and bless you; be one;  I bless you, My child; come, hear My Mother; flower, feel Me; I love you, remember that I shall defend you as a lioness defends her little cubs; be blessed and hear My Message: My little children, do not resist God’s Calls; surrender, lean on Him and let Him capitulate your heart; listen to Him and do as He says; I am your Holy Mother who reminds you all that the Lord’s Word is Life, God’s Word is Light; many of you hear His Plea of Love, yet, as soon as you leave these premises, the world draws you back in itself and thus His Plea of Love is forgotten; I have been asking you in My latest Message to meditate and examine your consciences; today I ask you: why do so many of you who heard My Message, arrive today to listen to a new Message, 3Before His Justice comes.