True Life in God Messages

320 True Life in God Notebook 33 I bless each one of you; Love is with you, Love loves you;  (This message was given for our little group in Medjugorje. Jesus was asking us this morning to come and adore Him. Later on, at lunch-time, the priest announced in Church that in the evening there would be an evening of adoration. We “ran” there since Jesus was calling us!) May 25, 1989 Lord? I am; daughter, do not write in haste; open your ear and hear Me; I am Love, but Love is so little loved; Love is so misunderstood! come, we, us? Forever, Lord. June 1, 1989 (Feast of the Sacred Heart) Sacred Heart of Jesus? I am; today, My Sacred Heart is calling all nations to hear My Voice: I am Love, I am Peace, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; there is no other Refuge for the salvation of your soul than in My Sacred Heart; daughter, write with Me the prayer I had dictated to you last year; O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Teach me Your Ways, Sacred Heart of Jesus, lead me in the Way of Integrity, Keep me away from the evil one and do not abandon me to his will, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Be my Sheltering Rock for You are my Refuge, Assign Your Love and Peace to guide and guard me, amen; Sacred Heart of Jesus, You rain on us a downpour of blessings. Sacred Heart of Jesus You give the lonely a permanent Home. Your family has found a Home. Blessed be our Lord, who saves us day after day and brings us one after the other into His Sacred Heart. Blessed be our Lord, who bears our burdens and shares our sufferings. Lord? I am; feel My Presence; recollect yourself and hear Me; (Message for the prayer meeting.) peace be with you all; I am the Lord, your Saviour, and He who seeks your heart; I am He who stands untiringly outside each door, knocking; I am He who pursues the sinner and he who leaves the wise stupefied; I am He who increases My blessings and who prepares you gently to enter into My New Jerusalem; 1 I am the Holy Trinity, all in One and the Same, who with My Salvation Plan am preparing you all to unite into one holy single fold; I am He who stunts the tall trees and allow the small ones to grow; do not fear, beloved ones, for in this wilderness I shall sow new grains of Love and Peace; I shall revive My garden so that those who are godless and wicked see and know that My Divine Hand is upon you all; the stone-hearts will understand My Boundless Mercy and 1That is: in our new state after having been purified.