True Life in God Messages

Notebook 33 True Life in God 319 realise then how I too love hearing you repeat My Name; I never tire of hearing you call Me; have always My Name in your mind, in your heart; utter My Name always and everywhere; speak of Me, it glorifies Me, Ah Jesus, You have given me so much, blessed be Your Name. Glory be to God. have My Peace; will you kiss My Feet? Yes, my Lord. (I kissed the Lord’s feet in spirit and on a crucifix.) glorify Me by keeping faithful to Me; May 15, 1989 (Heavily persecuted.) Lord? I am; I have not come to bring peace to the earth: it is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword1 ... evangelise with love My angel, for Love; I shall help you; it is I, Jesus Christ, and I love you;  May 16, 1989 Jesus? I am; never fail Me, desire Me more than ever; grow in your trials; let them2 learn to love Me, their God; let them learn to prostrate themselves and adore Me, their Holy One; what use to Me are their lip-prayers? I need love and adoration; 1Mt. 10:34-35. 2Everyone. pray, My beloved of My Soul, for My priests, bishops and cardinals to discern My Will: I, the Lord, need LOVE and ADORATION and UNITY, all together around one single Tabernacle; if they sought My interests, they would understand how My Sacred Heart longs and desires this unity under the leadership of My Peter , Peter whom I Myself have given the keys of the kingdom of heaven; so pray with fervour all of you, that they may all understand, that I, the Lord, call them to unite; I call all those under My Name to return to true unity, under Peter - of-My-Lambs; I will later on call all other nations too, to accept My Name as the Anointed; I shall speak in their heart;  May 22, 1989 (Medjugorje) Lord? I am; I love You. I adore You, Holy of Holies, Holy Jesus. love Me and adore Me, welcome Me always in this way; May 24, 1989 Jesus? I am; beloved, love Me; My child, let this day be a joyful day; rejoice, for I the Lord-Am-With-you all the way; come and adore Me; come and feel My Sacred Heart; come and be one with Me, little ones;