True Life in God Messages

316 True Life in God Notebook 33 I do not come as a Judge, not yet; I come to you as The Beggar in rags and barefoot with parched lips, imploring and lamenting for some love, for a return of love; today you have in your sight a Lamenting Beggar with His Hand constantly outstretched, begging you for a return of love: “I beg you, come back to Me and love Me, learn to love Me, learn to love Me, make peace with Me, make peace with Me, I will not reject you, I Am Love, and I love you everlastingly;” come to Me when the Hour has not yet come, do not wait for My Justice to arrive, do not let My Justice take you by surprise and unaware; remember then, that I shall be, in this terrible, awesome Hour, standing before you as a Majestic Severe Judge, and My Voice, which was that of a lamenting beggar, shall turn into a glare of a Devouring Fire, in cloudburst, downpour, hailstones; My Breath will be like a stream of brimstone which will set fire everywhere, to purify you and renovate you all, uniting you into One Holy People; happy are all those who hope in Me and who welcome My Spirit of Grace that I outpour so generously now on all mankind, for you shall see Me your God; blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; happy are all those who have ears to hear and are simple at heart, welcoming My Spirit of Grace with a child-likefaith, for in these little hearts My Word shall take root; blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of right for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; in just a little while, My little doves and I shall be with you, have My Peace; I bless each one of you; I, Jesus Christ, bless and forgive your persecutors, for they know not what they are doing; I, the Lord, love you all eternally; (The Lord then indicated where in the Scriptures I should read for them. It’s in Heb. 3:7-19 and Heb. 4:1-16.) Yahweh, my Abba, remind me of Your commandments so that I may follow them and be faithful to You. I know that Your rulings are righteous, my Abba, and I know and believe that You make me suffer out of faithfulness, it was good for me to taste and drink from Your bitter Cup. Now Lord, please, let Your Love comfort me, come and treat me tenderly and I shall live, since Your Law is my life and my delight, direct my steps towards Your Home as You have promised me, I desire You, Father in Heaven, I am waiting for You, Yahweh, my Abba, I am waiting for You. Love loves you, My child, and I will allow no one to separate you from Me; you are part of Me now, let us work; (Later:) (I saw in a dream-vision in the night Jesus’ portrait (picture). I noticed that Jesus’ Eyes were filling up with tears and before they would drop on the floor I hurried up and opened my hand. With the palm of my hand full of Jesus’ precious tears I started to walk away. I was considering whether to drink His Tears.) daughter, have My Peace; come, I am with you! are you happy to be with Me? Oh yes, my Lord Jesus! and are you still willing to hand over your will to Me and work for Me? Yes Lord, please name Yourself again to me.