True Life in God Messages

Notebook 33 True Life in God 315 those blocks that only hinder My people whom you have starved, from reaching Me; I have come to you, to heal you and console you; I have come to bring you Peace and Love; I have come to fertilise My land and cultivate its soil; My Name is Holy and holy are My precepts and My laws; yes, I will water this thirsty soil with My Love and I, the Lord, will keep pouring out My Spirit upon My children, blessing them; have you not noticed? have you not noticed that I am preparing you to receive a New Heaven and a New Earth that I had promised you long ago? have you not yet understood? have you not seen how I work? I beckon all of you from one corner of this earth to the other to listen to My Voice; ah, beloved ones, I have come to heal your sores, your wounds and your infirmities, all which were so savagely inflicted upon you in this darkness; no, beloved ones, your sores are not past healing, your injuries are curable, for IAm-With-You and ever so near you; so come to Me with love, ask Me with love and you will receive, invoke Me with love and I shall hear you; I will raise you to My Bosom and cradle you, comforting you; hear My Cry of Love and Peace: Love loves you; Love is the Root of the Tree of Life, so let it be LOVE that comes out of your heart; when Love manifests Itself where there is evil, Love effaces all wickedness, dissolving it like mist is dissolved with the first warm rays of the sun; for the sake of My devout ones I will revive all corpses; I will not keep quiet, I will raise you all with My Word; I shall not be silent until I will Glorify My Body and renew My entire Church; learn all you who want to suppress My Spirit of Grace and who want to muffle down My Voice, that your evil efforts and your evil intentions are all in vain; I will keep stretching My Hand to everyone, even to the rebels, even to those who provoke Me night and day, see? you are all My People, no matter what creed or race; remember I am LOVE and I have created you all; today My Salvation Plan covers the entire world; I have been, and I am, sending you messengers in every nation, to progress you in your faith, to convert you, to establish peace and love, to unite you; so do not try to muffle down My Voice and My Mother’s Calls; Our Voices will keep coming upon you like a hammer shattering the rocks1 until the Day of My Glory; rejoice and acclaim My Fruitful Vineyard, for it is by My Own Hand the soil is overturned and toiled, by My Own Hand the thorns and briars pulled out and burnt; with My Own Cape I shelter It from the dry winds and storms that arise from My enemy; I am Its Devout Keeper who fervently and forever watches over It; this Vineyard is My Gift to you, and Its Grapes will be offered freely to you and fill the whole world, feeding it; ah, My beloved of My Soul, listen closely to My Words and try and understand them; do not doubt, testing Me without ceasing ... I, the Lord, am telling you most solemnly: Scriptures are being fulfilled; so why are so many of you surprised at the outpouring of My Spirit? why are you surprised when your young ones see visions? I come before you to revise your knowledge of My Word; I come with great love to revive the corpses of My sons and daughters; I come to convert you and to remind you of My statutes; I come to call the sinner to confession; I come to call to repentance all those priests, bishops and cardinals who have so wickedly wounded My Sacred Heart and betrayed Me, their Friend and God; 1Rocks = hearts out of stone.