True Life in God Messages

314 True Life in God Notebook 33 it is out of My Infinite Love and out of great pity, I come to restore My Vineyard; be happy and let the Heavens hear your praises! rejoice and acclaim the Lord’s Glory; be the little mouthpieces who carry My Word; let those who sleep, awake at your sound; proclaim My Love to all nations, let those who wandered away from Me, return; I will not refuse them, though their hearts are arid and their sins scarlet-red; I will show them the Riches of My Forgiving Heart; sing and rejoice for I will remain among you till the end; April 28, 1989 Lord? I Am; I thank You I thank You and praise You for Your marvels that You are literally showering us with. My heart rejoices and exults Your Holy Name, You are my Shield that protects me, You are the Righteous Judge. I offer You my will. My Vassula, offer Me your will always; be at My service, be willing to be My tablet, allowing Me to use your hand; refuse Me nothing and I shall act in you; allow Me to tighten My grip on you; dearest soul, realise how useless you are without Me; I am Wisdom; My Message, even after your death, will be read by many; It shall reach each corner of this earth to augment love, faith and hope; trust Me, My child; I am your Teacher, your Saviour, your Peace, your Creator and He-Who-Loves-youMost;  May 1, 1989 Lord, would You like to write Your Message for the reunion of May 19? are you ready? I am never ready, but You can make me ready. ask and it shall be given to you; I ask You, my Lord, to make me ready to hear Your Voice and write. open your ear then and listen carefully; write: peace be with you all; I am the Lord, Emmanuel, the Holy of Holies who manifests Myself through this weak instrument; I come to you, little ones, a nation so highly favoured; to you I come, exposing My Sacred Heart before your very eyes; My Sacred Heart is Holy, Pure and filled with Love; so awake, as in the past, awake from your lethargy, awake and feel Me; My Spirit is constantly poured out ever so generously among you, yet, so many of you have still not understood ... I, the Lord, have formed prophets ever since I have created you, but My Own repeat what they have always repeated ... they are still persecuting all My prophets, hounding them from town to town; Abel’s Holy Blood is being shed without ceasing; these people ask Me for laws that are just, they long for Me to be near them, but when I send them My Holy Spirit of Grace, they close their eyes and refuse to hear, and allow their hearts to turn into granite; they gather together, chasing away My Holy Spirit of Grace as one chases away an evil bird; My Sacred Heart is in pain ... open up! open up! 1 do not block My Way! remove 1Jesus was crying out loudly.