True Life in God Messages

Notebook 33 True Life in God 313 of false prophets: one of my accusers is a false prophet.) beloved, fear not, I am before you; be happy that they talk all sorts of calumnies about you; My Eyes watch these people and I hear their tongues and I feel their heart; Yes, but You are with me and I have nothing to fear. courage, I shall give you My Strength to carry on; we, us? Forever and ever. (As if all these persecutions were not enough, the big hall we rented to have our meetings was refused to us. Just like that, in spite of the fact that we had it reserved long ago. They said that they did not want religious movements in their place. There I was, stuck with 200 people on my back with no one wanting us. Only a week before our reunion. But the Lord came to our rescue. The Lord made it possible for us to be in His Church. A little church which belongs to the Capuchins. Yes, His Majesty chose the most humble and poor from all the Brothers, as a Sign, for those who are persecuting Jesus’ Message.) April 23, 1989 (After the reunion of prayers and the reading of Messages in the little Church of Saint Maurice, the little Church was full.) Blessed be my Lord who has not deprived us to meet in His Name. The Lord is good even to those without merits. My Lord, You responded to our prayers, You responded to the fasting and to the sacrifices Your beloved children offered You. I bless Your Name. We bless Your Name. “My Lord is good, his love is everlasting, his faithfulness endures from age to age.” 1 Let us serve the Lord. I am the Lord who loves you; before the eyes of your persecutors, I shall feed you; be blessed all you who heard and recognised the Shepherd’s call; be blessed all you who offered Me sacrifices; I rescue all those who cling to Me; My Arms are your cradle, My Sacred Heart, your Refuge; I am your God and you My people; rejoice! rejoice, beloved; seek not to understand why My Voice is carried by this weak instrument, believe with simplicity of heart; avoid testing Me, be favourable in My Eyes like innocent and pure children; look at My Sacred Heart; I am before you exposing My Heart to you all; feel My ardent Love for you; do not resist Me, do not resist My plea, come to Me and allow Me to thrust you in the depths of My Sacred Heart; let My Heart be your Refuge; how would I not come to your rescue, My beloved ones? I, who am the Sublime Source of Love, would I ever fail you? your cry of distress resounded in all the Heavens, I heard your plea from earth; no, beloved ones, do not fear; My Eyes see everything, I hear everything, and I tell you truly, that I shall guide each step you take and bless it; I am your Devout Keeper and My Vineyard shall be watered and kept by My Own Hand; I shall watch over It lest intruders penetrate My Vineyard by night; let all those who want to come and see My Vineyard approach by daylight, only foxes will come by night; arise then like sensible men at day-break and visit My Vineyard; I, the Lord, am Its Keeper and 1Ps. 100:5.