True Life in God Messages

310 True Life in God Notebook 32 April 5, 1989 My Jesus? I am; ah how I delight in these moments when you come to Me, offering Me your will! stay with Me and I will write to My children; (Jesus will write the message for the reunion which will be for April 21, 1989.) 1 peace be with you, I am the Lord; I am the Word and I am among you; feel My Presence, My little children; My Sacred Heart delights to see you all assembled all in one; 2 I mean to progress you in the Way of Holiness; those who still have not penetrated in My Path, I shall not leave behind, I will go back and look for them; I will fetch each one of you and show you My Path of Righteousness and Holiness; I will lift you and carry you; like a tender father I shall raise you up and teach you My precepts; I will enrich you with My Spirit of Love; I, who am Master of Love, will teach you to love Me fully and love one another as I love you, this will be your first step towards Me; I look upon you all as My little children, hardly knowing how to walk alone; I shall offer you both My Hands and you will place your little hands into Mine, and together, together you and I will make a few steps forward ... do you know how I delight already? 3 I will progress you and I will embellish your soul leading it into perfection, if you are willing to open yourselves entirely to Me; allow Me to teach you My statutes and I shall explain to you how to keep My precepts; I shall open the Gates of 1 Jesus asked me to read them from Scriptures: Ep. 4:17-32 and 5:1-20. 2 Here Jesus means all Christians, from Roman Catholic to Protestants, and Orthodox. 3Jesus appeared so very happy! Virtues to all who wish to learn; yes, I shall, Myself, with My Own Hand, place into your mouth My Fruits; cling to Me and I shall rescue you in these difficult times where Fury has been let loose; these times when many fall into confusion, not knowing their left hand from their right hand; today more than ever, the evil one and the demons are roaming in every corner of this earth, seeking to deceive you all, setting traps for you to fall; this is the reason why I am asking you to pray without ceasing; do not let My adversary find you asleep; be on your guard these days; do not let him find an empty corner in you either, fill yourselves with My Word, with My Love, with My Peace, with My Virtues; come often and receive Me in the little white Host, in purity, so that you do not yield into temptation; pray without ceasing; I know your needs even more than you do and even before you ask Me, I know your heart; in every possible occasion face Me and pray, pray to repair and make up for the lack of prayers of this earth; let your prayers be your armour, shielding you from all evil that is roaming around you, disarm the demon with love, let love be your weapon, let peace be written on your foreheads, so that everyone may see it; you should make every part of your body into a weapon fighting on My side and then sin will no longer dominate your life; 4 let My Word be your Lamp; spread My Message of Love and Peace in every corner of the globe to attain hearts and convert them; let those who do not know Me yet, come and see what a Furnace of Love My Sacred Heart is; come and feel My Sacred Heart in Flames of Love, and when you do, even if your heart is petrified and arid from lack of love, I will with My Flame of Love entice your heart into a living torch; 4Rm. 6:14.