True Life in God Messages

308 True Life in God Notebook 32 I planted with so much love and by My Own Hand, are perishing one after the other; My flower-beds have been neglected and are dry; My wells are now only an empty, dusty, dark hole, nestling vipers; where have My keepers gone? why have they neglected My garden? on My return, will I still find one single flower? My Spirit is crushed from lack of love, lack of faith, lack of peace; children of My Sacred Heart, hear My Cry in this wilderness; recognise My Voice, at least recognise the Times! come all those who have not reconciled with Me, come now and reconcile; your iniquities have pierced all eternity, withdrawing you from Me; do no evil and evil will not befall you; be good to each, love one another, forgive your enemies; I am repeating My Words which you all know, but how many of you put them into practice? pray with your heart; I need love; come and adorn Me with prayers that come from your heart, come and draw from My Heart which is an Abyss of Love and fill up yours; I tell you most solemnly, the hours are fleeing, dearest souls, come back to Me; peace! peace! peace! Cry out to the nations for peace, peace to unite! peace to love! peace to glorify Me! the day is coming that every vision My seers have seen, will come true, since what I pronounce I always fulfil; pray, My beloved, for My Peter ; pray for the Patriarch; pray for all My priests; 1 pray that My Fold be one, as I and the Father are One and the Same; pray that My lambs return into one single Fold under the leadership of Peter until My Return; O, if you would only listen and obey! will you now pray the Our Father? I am 1 In saying “priests”, Jesus’ Sacred Heart swelled with a special love for them, but at the same time a pain pierced His Sensitive Holy Heart, piercing mine as well when I felt His sorrow. My eyes filled. listening, (...) and I promise you, that My Kingdom shall come, and My Will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven; children, bear fruit in Peace; I, the Lord, love and bless you all; (Message from Our Holy Mother for the same reunion:) beloved, console Jesus, console Jesus, be in peace with each other and love one another; be faithful to God and abandon yourselves entirely to Him; you are only abandoning yourselves to Love and thus allowing Him to nourish you with His Love and Peace; the Lord and I bless you all; I love you; the Lord and I bless all the religious objects that are in this room; daughter, have My Peace; just abandon yourselves into Love’s Hands and Love will lead you always; I love you, have my blessings; April 1, 1989 Jesus? I am; let Love guide you, do not listen to the wise, they are like the scribes in My time; evangelise with love for Love; let them feel My Infinite Love; I long for You, Lord! little one, My Heart rejoices to feel you and hear you say: “I long for you, Lord”; this is the fruit of devotion; be My reflection, a copy of Me; desire the Father; I longed for the Father while I was on earth, I prayed without ceasing; I longed to be in constant link with My Father, in union of Love; pupil, I am your Teacher who raised you up with Wisdom; so fill Me with joy and be in constant link with Me; place Me as first and desire Me always; rejoice when meeting Me in this way I have