True Life in God Messages

Notebook 32 True Life in God 307 as you walk, I leaven your path; I remove all the stones and rocks so that you may not stumble, I remove them to open your way; My Holy Presence chases My enemies, who are your enemies, far away; when briars and thorns come, they are quickly cut away and burnt by My angels who surround you; I, your Redeemer, do not allow any of these thorns to tear upon you, My child; dearest being, rely on Me; Almighty I Am, the Highest I Am, all I want from you is love, love, love, so come and share with Me; let Me be your Joy; ah Vassula, love Me and console Me with your childish heart; come and rest My Head, be My rest-head, be My foot-stool, be My Heaven; allow Me to lead you through this valley of death; soon I shall take you from this desolation into My Home, which is your Home too; My child, be one with Me; O dearest child, will you console Me, your Saviour? Blessed be our Lord who performs marvels of love for me. Lord, how great Your Goodness reserved for those who fear You, bestowed on those who take shelter in You, for all mankind to see! Rejoice in our Lord and Saviour, exult, you virtuous, shout for joy, all upright hearts! I shall unmask all My enemies and with My Breath I shall sweep away all those who block the Way to Me; I shall reveal My Holy Face once again and I shall cover this Wilderness with Purity, Holiness and Integrity; Love and Peace will be with you and dwell among you; see? have I not said that I shall dwell among you and that you will be My very Own? My child, remind them how My Spirit resents boastful people, and that Wisdom is given to the lowly and simple; come ... March 29, 1989 (Messages given for the meeting at Courtetelle (JV), North of Switzerland.) peace be with you; I am the Lord, feel My Presence, discern My Presence; today I come to you, speaking through My servant; I am always with you, in every moment of your life; My Sacred Heart rejoices to feel your love to Me; My lambs, how I always wanted to gather you all in My Arms and hide you from the evil one! I love you, I love you with an everlasting love, a jealous love you would understand only when you will be in Heaven; yet, in spite of My Fathomless Love, most of My children have turned their backs to Me ... they have forgotten My Passion; and with evolution My Name is meaningless to them now; give them idols and they will be first to adore them, but give them what is Holy and they will mock upon It; I, your Holy One, suffers and My Body is mutilated by disobedience, impurity and the iniquity of this dark world! ah creation! My Cry of suffering shakes the entire Heaven, leaving My angels trembling and prostrated; have you not heard Me yet, daughters and sons of Mine? My Cries from above leave even the demons in stupor from your deafness ... Tears of Blood flood My Eyes, night and day, hour after hour, unceasingly in wait for you, have you rejected My Spirit forever? My Voice echoes in this devastating wilderness, without a single pasture to rest in, not one spring to run and refresh you; I descend from My Throne above into My Pastures of old to find them neglected and barren; My flowers, which