True Life in God Messages

306 True Life in God Notebook 32 adore Me always; (Later on today, I felt exhausted. I felt that this task God has given me is crushing me. Will all these sacrifices come to something? Or will they all go in vain? Will I have still this strength to keep going as though I can never stop? Or will I one day find it overwhelming and give up?) have My Peace; hear Me, Wisdom has instructed you, do not fear; be happy that I have chosen you to share My sufferings; My Cross, ever so precious, rests on you; I need to rest, all that you give Me, will not go in vain ... nothing is going in vain; I am being Glorified; remain My victim, beloved victim whom My Father favoured to share with Me My Cross of Peace and Love; our tribulations, as a victim, will not be light in this world; realise that you do not belong in this world anymore and this is why the world will reproach you for not being like them; forgetting how their bodies will turn to ashes, they will ridicule you; beware, then, of complaining about nothing; 1 all I ask from you is, sharing, sharing out of love with Love; Love’s Cup tastes bitter, very bitter; could you not share It with Me? do not resist Me! have I ever resisted you, on hearing your plea from earth? I assure you, nothing will go in vain; from all eternity, I have known you to be fragile; just as a rose which needs special care, you are being taken care of by Me; I prune your branches when I must, My Eyes are constantly on you, guarding you jealously, lest a stranger plucks you; I let no one touch you, lest their fingers will crumple up your petals; I watch over you day and night; I am your Guardian, so be confident; I will allow no one to harm you; 1Ws. 1:11. (That same evening, exhausted, because of our long journey – 12 hours by car – of the day before, I went to pray the Rosary, my eyes resting on Fatima’s statue. I was on the fourth mystery when suddenly St Mary’s cape and dress started to become a bright silver. So intense was this silver light that it seemed to come out from within the statue. She seemed to come to life. This must have lasted not more than five seconds. It was beautiful, because it encouraged me to pray better and made me so very happy! The next day, when I was reciting the Rosary again and looking at St. Mary’s statue of Fatima, I was looking at Her Eyes. I suddenly noticed that the defect (which bothered me) on one of Her Eyes was not there anymore, both Eyes were now perfect. It was a small defect: there must have been paint missing on one of the eyelids and I often thought I should paint this white line into brown and paint the eyelashes which are missing because of this white line. Now it’s not there, and both eyes are perfect.) March 27, 1989 Jesus? I am; beloved, My Kingdom shall come; allow Me to use you for My Glory; I shall not forsake you, even though your spirit sometimes seems so far away from Me, your God; trust Me, rely on Me, dearest child; allow My Spirit to breathe fully in you and freely; compensate Me now, My child, by being obedient and looking only after My interests; I am always before you, so do not fear crossing this valley, without shelter, without pastures, barren and dry; I know its gloom is terrifying your soul, but I am known that those I have led through deserts never went thirsty; I am before you to shelter you from the dry winds with My Love; I feed you with My Word;